The management of MAUTECH – Moddibo Adama University of Technology has approved the list of all postgraduate courses that are currently available and offered in the institution. Every PG programme have their unique admission requirements, however, there are some basic compulsory general entry requirements for fresh candidates which must be adhered to in the process of application and registration.
Upon graduation, prospective PG students who aspire to further their Education at MAUTECH come up with questions like; What are the available MAUTECH courses? What are the admission requirements for PGD or Masters programmes, they seldom ask about Ph.D admission requirements. Based on the above questions, we decided to put up a comprehensive article that would give answers to the above questions to clear further doubts.
Judging from the list of postgraduate courses offered in MAUTECH – Moddibo Adama University of Technology as seen below, you would agree with us that all categories of PG courses are offered in the institution ranging from Postgraduate Diploma (PGD) programmes, Masters and Ph.D programmes therefore, aspiring students and candidates should be rest assured that any information gotten in this article, we are confident will be of great help in making an informed decision as regards which of the postgraduate courses is best tailored for your intended career path.
Duration For Postgraduate Courses At MAUTECH – Moddibo Adama University of Technology
The info here contains details of the duration of all available postgraduate programme offered at MAUTECHÂ under PGD and M.Sc level. Ph.D level, for Masters students, either full time or part tiime, the expected duration of your programmes can be seen below, same applies to PGD and Ph.D students.
Postgraduate Programmes at MAUTECH | Duration of PG Programmes | |
Full-time Master’s degree programme Part-Time Masters Degree Programme | 4 – 6 Semester 6 – 8 Semesters | |
Ph.D Full-Time Programme
Ph.D Part-Time Programme | A minimum of six (6) semesters and a maximum often (10) semesters A minimum of eight (8) semesters and a maximum of twelve (12) semesters. | |
Postgraduate Diploma Programme (PGD) Full-Time Diploma Programmes | Minimum of two (2) semesters and a maximum of four semesters. | |
Postgraduate Diploma Programme (PGD) Part-Time Diploma Programmes | Minimum of four (4) semesters and a maximum of six (6) semesters. |
List of Postgraduate Courses Offered In MAUTECH – Moddibo Adama University of Technology
Available Postgraduate Programmes
Postgraduate Diploma Programmes
PGD Agricultural Economics
PGD Agricultural Extension & Rural Sociology
PGD Postharvest Physiology & Storage Technology.
PGD Crop Protection
PGD Fisheries Technology
PGD Forestry Technology
PGD Wildlife Conservation & Management
PGD in Soil Management and Land Use Planning
Postgraduate Diploma in Construction Project Management
PGD Surveying & Geo-informatics
PGD Urban and Regional Planning
Postgraduate Diploma in Accounting and Finance
Postgraduate Diploma in Management (PGDM)
Postgraduate Diploma in Banking and Finance (PGDBF)
PGDTE Technology Education
Master’s Degree Programmes
M.Sc. Agricultural Economics
M.Sc. Agricultural Extension & Rural Sociology
Master of Animal Production (MAP)
M.Sc Animal Science
M.Tech Agronomy
M.Tech Crop Breeding
M.Tech Postharvest Physiology & Storage Technology
M.Tech Crop Protection
M.Tech. Fisheries Management and Aquaculture
M.Tech Ecosystems Management (Options in Forest Biology and Ecology, and Wildlife Conservation and Management)
M.Tech Forest Products Management and Utilization (Options in Forest Resource Management and Forest Economics and Policy)
M.Tech Soil Science
M.Eng Farm Power and Machinery
M.Eng Soil and Water Engineering
M.Eng Soil and Water Engineering
M.Eng. Chemical Engineering (Process Option)
M.Eng. Chemical Engineering (Ceramic Option)
M.Eng Electrical Engineering (Electronics & Telecommunication)
M.Eng Electrical Engineering (Control & Instrumentation)
M.Eng Electrical Engineering (Power & Machines)
M.Eng Production and Industrial Engineering
M.Sc. Construction Project Management
M.Sc. Geography
M.Sc. Environmental Management
M.Tech. Surveying & Geo-informatics
MURP in Urban and Regional Planning
Masters in Treasury and Financial Management (MTFM)
Master of Science Accounting
M.Sc. Economics
M.Tech Information Management Technology
Masters in Business Administration (MBA)
Masters in Public Administration (MPA)
M.Sc. Banking and Finance
M.Sc. Management
M.Tech General Biochemistry
M.Tech Analytical Chemistry
M.Tech Industrial Chemistry
Physical Chemistry
Organic Chemistry
Computer Science
Economic Geology and Mineral Exploration
Hydrogeology/ Engineering Geology
Sedimentology/Petroleum Geology
Mathematics with Economics
Radiation and Health Physics
Energy Physics
Solid State Physics
Operations Research
Applied Entomology and Parasitology
Ecology and Environmental Biology
Applied Hydrobiology and Fisheries
Edu. Electrical Technology
Edu. Electronics Technology
Curriculum & Instruction
Educational Psychology (M.Ed)
Biology, Chemistry, Geography, Physics and Mathematics (M.Tech Ed)
Educational Management (M.Tech Ed)
Wood Technology (M.Tech Ed)
Construction Technology (M.Tech Ed)
Mechanical (Automobile) Technology (M.Tech Ed)
Mechanical (Production) Technology (M.Tech Ed)
Agricultural Technology Education (M.Tech Ed)
Peace and Conflict Studies (M.Tech Ed)
Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D)
Agricultural Economics
Agricultural Extension & Rural Sociology
Animal Science
Crop Breeding
Postharvest Physiology and Storage Technology
Crop Protection with options in Nematology, Bacteriology, Mycology & Entomology
Fisheries Management and Aquaculture in Fish Nutrition, Fish Breeding & Genetics, Aquatic Toxicology, Environmental Pollution, Processing and Preservation, Fisheries Management, Fish Biology, Fish Pathology & Pathobiology.
Ecosystems Management (Options in Forest Biology and Ecology, and Wildlife Conservation and Management)
Forest Products Management and Utilization (Options in Forest Resource Management and Forest Economics and Policy)
Soil Science
Agricultural and Environmental Engineering with options in Farm Power and Machinery
Production Engineering
Thermofluids and Energy Engineering
Solid Mechanics
Construction Project Management
(ii) Ph.D. Geography with specialization in Climatology, Geomorphology, Hydrology and Water Resources, Transportation, Population, Rural Geography, Soils and Biogeography, Remote Sensing and GIS Application.
Environmental Management
Surveying & Geo-informatics
Urban and Regional Planning
Toxicology Biochemistry
Pharmaceutical Biochemistry
Medical Biochemistry
Analytical Chemistry
Industrial Chemistry
Organic Chemistry
Physical Chemistry
Polymer Chemistry
Computer Science
Economic Geology and Mineral Exploration
Sedimentology/Petroleum Geology
Medical Microbiology
Industrial Microbiology
Environmental Microbiology
Cytogenetics and Plant Breeding
Plant Pathology with options in Solid State Physics, Energy Physics, Radiation and Health Physics, Geophysics and Physics
Operations Research
Applied Entomology and Parasitology
Applied Hydrobiology and Fisheries
Public Health Parasitology
Electrical Technology
Electronics Technology
Curriculum & Instruction
Educational Psychology
Biology Education, Physics Education, Geography Education and Mathematics Education
Educational Management
Automobile Technology Education
Mechanical Production Technology Education
Construction Technology Education
Woodwork Technology Education
Agricultural Technology Education
As we have provided the full list of all available PG programmes offered at MAUTECH we implore you to share this post with friends via the social media platforms at your disposal.
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