List of Courses Offered In OAU (Obafemi Awolowo University, Ile-Ife)

The approved list of accredited courses offered in OAU (Obafemi Awolowo University, Ile-Ife) has been released by the management and school authority. These courses as seen below are the accredited courses according to NUC (Nigerian University Commission) therefore candidates or prospective students are sure of the information gathered.

Therefore, we have deemed it necessary to publish the officially approved list of courses offered in OAU (Obafemi Awolowo University, Ile-Ife) as it has become impeccably necessary based on data received as regards the subject matter.

Usually, upon choosing a course of study, it is usually advised prospective students or applicants go through some of the requirements required to be eligible to study the course in question, see below basic requirements;

OAU Admission Requirements

  1. The candidate must be over 16 years of age in the year of admission (Some students swear an affidavit just to increase their ages)
  2. Candidates must possess at least 5 credit passes in relevant subjects which must include English Language and mathematics at GCE O’Level, WASCE, SSCE, NECO, or approved equivalents at not more than 2 sittings.
  3. Candidates with Teachers Grade II (TC II) with passes at credit or merit levels in conjunction with credit passes in relevant subjects at GCE, WASCE, SSCE, NECO or approved equivalents may be considered. No subject may be counted at both TC II and GCE O/Level, WASCE, SSCE, NECO, or approved equivalents.

Upon meeting these requirements as stated above, candidates become automatically eligible for admission into OAU (Obafemi Awolowo University, Ile-Ife) and their internal screening exercise within the school environment.

So with the above information, prospective candidates should be clear as regards the requirements for the list of courses offered in Obafemi Awolowo University, Ile-Ife.

As usual, we have arranged all courses offered in Obafemi Awolowo University, Ile-Ife in an alphabetical order based on the faculty they fall under for ease of identification for readers.

List Of Accredited Courses Offered In OAU (Obafemi Awolowo University, Ile-Ife)

 Requirements for Admission into Part I and Direct Entry in the Faculties


S/NCourse/ProgramUME RequirementsO/Level RequirementsDirect Entry Requirements
1. Pharmacy English, Physics Chemistry

and Biology

 English Language, Mathematics,

Physics  Chemistry and Biology

 B.Sc. with a minimum of 22 in Biochemistry, Microbiology

Industrial Chemistry, Food Science & Technology



Requirements for Admission into Part I and Direct Entry in the Faculties


S/NCourse/ProgramUME RequirementsO/Level RequirementsDirect Entry Requirements


a. Medicine English, Physics Chemistry

and Biology

 English Language, Mathematics,

Physics  Chemistry and Biology

 (i)  B.Sc. with a minimum of 21 in Biology, Chemistry,

Anatomy, Biochemistry, Physiology and other Biological

Sciences in which   their student take exactly the same

courses  in their first year as  first year student of

Medicine and Dentistry

(ii)  3 A’level passes in Biology, Chemistry, Physics

b. Dentistry English, Physics Chemistry

and Biology

 English Language, Mathematics,

Physics  Chemistry and Biology

 (i)  B.Sc. with a minimum of 21 in Biology, Microbiology,

Anatomy, Biochemistry, Physiology and other Biological

Sciences in which their student take exactly the same

courses in their first year as  first year student of

Medicine and Dentistry

(ii)  3 A’level passes in Biology, Chemistry, Physics

c. Nursing English, Physics Chemistry

and Biology

 English Language, Mathematics,

Physics  Chemistry and Biology

 i)  B.Sc. with a minimum of 21 in Biology, Microbiology,

Anatomy, Biochemistry, Physiology and other Biological

Sciences in which their student take exactly the same

courses in their first year as  first year student of

Medicine and Dentistry

(ii)  3 A’level passes in Biology, Chemistry, Physics

d. Medical Rehabilitation English, Physics Chemistry

and Biology

 English Language, Mathematics,

Physics  Chemistry and Biology

 (i)  B.Sc. with a minimum of 21 in Biology, Microbiology,

Anatomy, Biochemistry, Physiology and other Biological

Sciences in which their student take exactly the same

courses in their first year as  first year student of

Medicine and Dentistry

(ii)  3 A’level passes in Biology, Chemistry, Physics



Requirements for Admission into Part I and Direct Entry in the Faculties


S/NCourse/ProgramUME RequirementsO/Level RequirementsDirect Entry Requirements


a. Electronic and Electrical


 English Language,


Physics and Mathematics

 English, Mathematics, Physics,

Chemistry and Biology/Agric.


Further Mathematics.

 (i)  ND/HND with minimum of upper credit in relevant

Engineering Discipline

(ii)   3 A’level credit passes in Physics, Chemistry,


b. Mechanical Engineering English, Chemistry,

Physics and Mathematics

 English, Mathematics, Physics,

Chemistry and Biology/Agric.


Further Mathematics.

 (i)  ND/HND with minimum of upper credit in relevant

Engineering Discipline

(ii)   3 A’level credit passes in Physics, Chemistry,


c. Civil Engineering English, Chemistry,

Physics and Mathematics

 English, Mathematics, Physics,

Chemistry and Biology/Agric.


Further Mathematics.

 (i)  ND/HND with minimum of upper credit in relevant

Engineering Discipline

(ii)   3 A’level credit passes in Physics, Chemistry,


d. Chemical Engineering English, Chemistry,

Physics and Mathematics

 English, Mathematics, Physics,

Chemistry and Biology/Agric.

Science/Further Mathematics.

 (i)  ND/HND with minimum of upper credit in relevant

Engineering Discipline

(ii)   3 A’level credit passes in Physics, Chemistry,


e. Metallurgical and Materials


 English, Chemistry,

Physics and Mathematics

 English, Mathematics, Physics,

Chemistry and Biology/Agric.


Further Mathematics.

 (i)  ND/HND with minimum of upper credit in relevant

Engineering Discipline

(ii)   3 A’level credit passes in Physics, Chemistry,


f. Food Engineering/Food

Science & Technology

 English, Chemistry,

Physics and Mathematics

 English, Mathematics, Physics,

Chemistry and Biology/Agric.


Further Mathematics.

 (i)  ND/HND with minimum of upper credit in relevant

Engineering Discipline

(ii)   3 A’level credit passes in Physics, Chemistry,


g. Agricultural & Environmental


 English, Chemistry,

Physics and Mathematics

 English, Mathematics, Physics,

Chemistry and Biology/Agric.


Further Mathematics.

 (i)  ND/HND with minimum of upper credit in relevant

Engineering Discipline

(ii)   3 A’level credit passes in Physics, Chemistry,


S/NCourse/ProgramUME RequirementsO/Level RequirementsDirect Entry Requirements


h. Computer Engineering English, Chemistry, Physics

and Maths

 English, Mathematics, Physics,

Chemistry and Biology/Agric./

Economics/Further Mathematics

 (i)  ND/HND with minimum of upper credit in relevant

Engineering Discipline

(ii)   3 A’level credit passes in Physics, Chemistry,


i. Computer Science with


 English, Chemistry, Physics

and Maths

 English, Mathematics, Physics,

Chemistry and Biology/Agric.


Further Mathematics.

 (i)  ND/HND with minimum of upper credit in relevant

Engineering Discipline

(ii)   3 A’level credit passes in Physics, Chemistry,


j. Computer Science with


 English, Chemistry, Physics

and Maths

 English, Mathematics, Physics,

Chemistry and Biology/Agric.


Further Mathematics.

(i)  ND/HND with minimum of upper credit in relevant

Engineering Discipline

(ii)   3 A’level credit passes in Physics, Chemistry,


k.Aerospace EngineeringEnglish, Chemistry, Physics

and Maths

English, Mathematics, Physics,

Chemistry, Further Mathematics.

(i)  ND/HND with minimum of upper credit in relevant

Engineering Discipline

(ii)   3 A’level credit passes in Physics, Chemistry,




Requirements for Admission into Part I and Direct Entry in the Faculties


S/NCourse/ProgramUME RequirementsO/Level RequirementsDirect Entry Requirements


  Biochemistry English Language,

Chemistry,  Physics and


 English Language, Chemistry,

Mathematics, Physics and Biology

 (1)       3 A`Level Credit in Chemistry, Physics and

Biology with a minimum of 15 points.

(2)       First Degree (B.Sc.) in Science related courses

 Botany English Language,

Chemistry,  Biology and


 English Language, Biology

ChemistryPhysics and Mathematics

 (1)       3 A/Level Credit in Chemistry, Biology and            Physics.

(2)        First Degree (B.Sc.) in Science related   courses

 Chemistry English Language,

Chemistry, Mathematics,

and Physics.

 English Language, Chemistry,

Physics, Mathematics and



(1)                3 A’ Level Credit in Chemistry and either

Physics or Mathematics and Biology.

(2)                   First Degree (B.Sc.) in Science related courses

 Industrial Chemistry English Language,

Chemistry, Mathematics &


 English Language,

Chemistry, Physics, Mathematics &


 (1)       3 A/Level credit results in Chemistry and either Physics or         Mathematics and Biology.

(2)       First Degree (B.Sc.) in Science related courses

 Geology English Language,

Chemistry, Biology &


 English Language, Chemistry,

Physics, Biology and Mathematics.

(1)               3 A ‘Level Credit Passes in Chemistry, Physics,

Mathematics, Biology and Geography

(2)       HND in Geology from recognized Polytechnics with an Upper Credit

(3)       HND in Mineral Resources (Geology Option) with an

Upper Credit

(4)       HND in Mining Engineering

(5)       First Degree (B.Sc) in Science related courses

 Applied Geophysics English Language,

Chemistry, Physics and


 English Language, Biology,

Chemistry, Physics and Mathematics

(1)               3 A’Level Credit Passes in Chemistry, Physics and


(2)       HND in Geology from recognized Polytechnics with an Upper Credit

(3)       First Degree (B.Sc.) in Science related courses

 Mathematics English Language,

Mathematics, Physics and


 English Language, Biology

Mathematics, Physics and Chemistry

(1)               3 A’ Level Credit Passes in Mathematics, Physics or


(2)       OND Pass from recognized Polytechnics in Statistics with

an Upper Credit

(3)       First Degree (B.Sc.) in Science related courses

 Statistics English Language, Physics,

Mathematics and


 English Language, Mathematics,

Physics, Chemistry & Biology.

(1)               3 A’ Level Credit Passes in Mathematics, Physics or


(2)       OND Pass from recognized Polytechnics in Statistics with   an Upper Credit

(3)       First Degree (B.Sc.) in Science related courses

 Microbiology English Language, Biology,

Chemistry and Physics.

 English Language, Biology, Chemistry, Physics

and Mathematics

(1)               3 A` Level Credit Passes in Biology Physics and


(2)       First Degree (B.Sc.) in Science related courses

 Physics /Engineering Physics English Language,

Mathematics, Physics &


 English Language, Physics, Chemistry,

Mathematics and Biology

(1)               3 A’ Level Credit Passes in Physics Mathematics and


(2)       OND Pass from recognized Polytechnics in             Electronic

& Electrical Engineering or Mechanical Engineering

with an Upper Credit

(3)       First Degree (B.Sc.) in Science related courses

 Zoology English Language, Biology,

Physics and Chemistry or


 English Language, Biology, Physics,

Mathematics and Chemistry.

(1)               3 A’ Level Credit Passes in Biology, Physics or


(2)       First Degree (B.Sc.) in Science related courses



Requirements for Admission into Part I and Direct Entry in the Faculties


S/NCourse/ProgramUME RequirementsUME RequirementsO/Level RequirementsDirect Entry Requirements
   a. Economics English, Mathematics,

Government and Economics

 English, Mathematics, Economics 1 from Government/Geography and one from Biology,

Agriculture,  Civics, History, IRK/CRK,

Yoruba, Literature, Chemistry, Physics, Further

Mathematics and ICT

(i)                 3 A’ Level Passes in Economics, Government and


(ii)               Upper Credit Passes in ND/HND in Economics

    b. Demography and Social


 English, Mathematics,

Economics and any from

Government, Civics, Data

Processing and Computer


 English, Mathematics, Economics and any

two from Geography/Government, Chemistry, Physics, Biology, Agricultural Science, Further Mathematics and Civics

 (i)        3 A’ Level Passes in Mathematics/Statistics and any two from Economics, Geography or government

(ii)       Upper   Credit at OND/HND in Mathematics and           Statistics

c. Geography English, Geography, and any

2  from Economics,

Government, Mathematics,

Chemistry, Physics,

Biology/Agric Science,

 English, Mathematics, Geography, and any 2

from Economics, Government, Chemistry,

Physics, Biology/Agric, CRS/IRS, Yoruba,

Civics Education, ICT/Animal Husbandry,

Cosmetology, Marketing

 (i)        3 A’Level in Geography, any 2 Science or Humanities   subject
 (ii)       Upper Credit at ND/HND in Survey and Geoinformatics,            Land Surveying, Urban and Regional Planning, Statistics, Mathematics or Conservation Sciences


d. Political Science English, Government and any

2 from Economics,

Geography, Literature,

CRS/IRS, Mathematics

 English, Mathematics, Government and any

2 from Economics, Geography, Literature,

CRS/IRS, Civics Education, Yoruba, ICT, Physics/ Chemistry/Biology/Agric Sciences

 (i)        Upper Credit at ND/HND in Public

Administration, Local Government Studies

(ii)       3 A/Level passes in Government and any 2 from        Economics, Geography, Mathematics

e. Psychology English and any 3 from

Mathematics, Economics,

Government, Physics,

Geography, Chemistry and Biology

and Biology

 English, Mathematics, Economics and any 2 from Government, Biology, Geography, Physics, Chemistry, History, Literature, Yoruba, CRS/IRS, Agric Science, ICT, Civics Education, Garment Making, Catering and Craft Practice (i)        Registered Nursing Certificate, Upper Credit at           ND/HND in Social Work or Medical Laboratory      Science

(ii)       3 A’Level Passes in Biology, Physics, Chemistry

f. Sociology and


 English, Mathematics and

any 3 from Literature,

Geography, CRS/IRS,

Government, History,


 English, Mathematics and any 3 from

Literature,  Yoruba, Physics, Chemistry,

Economics,  Geography, CRS/IRS,

Government, Visual  Arts, Music, History,

Biology, Agriculture and  ICT

(i)                 3 A’Level Passes in any 3 from Geography,

Government, History, Economics, CRS/IRS, Sociology.

(ii)       Upper Credit at ND/HND in Mass Communication,           Social Works, Mathematics and Statistics

g Entrepreneurship and

Industrial Extension

 As in other courses in Social


 English, Mathematics and one Social Science

subject (Economics, Government and

Geography) plus any 2 subjects from Civics,

Physics, Chemistry Biology, Agric. Science,

Computer, CRK/IRK, Yoruba/Igbo./Hausa,

Fine Arts, Music, Literature and Principles of


 (i)        Upper Credit at ND/HND in any discipline

(ii)       A’Level Credit Passes in three Subjects

hMass CommunicationAs in other courses in Social


English, Mathematics, Literature in English and any other two of Arts or Social Sciences subjectUpper Credit at ND/HND in any discipline
iFilm ProductionAs in other courses in Social


English, Mathematics, Literature in English and any other two of Arts or Social Sciences subjectUpper Credit at ND/HND in any discipline
jBroadcast JournalismAs in other courses in Social


English, Mathematics, Literature in English and any other two of Arts or Social Sciences subjectUpper Credit at ND/HND in any discipline
kInformation Science and Media StudiesAs in other courses in Social


English, Mathematics, Literature in English and any other two of Arts or Social Sciences subjectUpper Credit at ND/HND in any discipline



Requirements for Admission into Part I and Direct Entry in the Faculties


S/NCourse/ProgramUME RequirementsO/Level RequirementsDirect Entry Requirements


a. Animal Science English, Physics, Chemistry,

Biology or Agric. Science

 English, Mathematics, Chemistry and 2 from

Biology/Agric. Science, Physics, Economics, Geography, Further Mathematics

(i)                 Upper Credit at ND/HND in Animal Science and

related Agricultural discipline

(ii)       3 A’Level Credit Passes in Chemistry, Biology and


b. Crop Production and


 English, Chemistry, Physics

and Biology/Agric Science

 English, Mathematics, Chemistry and 2 from Physics, Biology/Agricultural Science, Geography, Further Mathematics (i)        3 A’Level Credit passes in Chemistry, Biology  or             Botany or Zoology and Physics/Mathematics
c. Agricultural Economics English, Chemistry, Physics

and Biology/Agric Science

 English, Mathematics, Chemistry and 2 from

Biology/Agric. Science, Physics, Economics, Geography, Further Mathematics

 (i)        Upper Credit at ND/HND in Agricultural Science

(ii)       3 A’Level Credit Passes in Chemistry, Biology and


d. Agricultural Extension

and Rural Development

 English, Chemistry, Physics

and Biology/Agric Science

 English, Mathematics, Chemistry and 2 from

Biology/Agric. Science, Physics, Economics, Geography, Further Mathematics

 (i)        Upper Credit at ND/HND in Agricultural Science

(ii)       3 A’Level Credit Passes in Chemistry, Biology and


e. Soil Science and Land

Resources Management

 English, Chemistry, Physics

and Biology/Agric Science

 English, Mathematics, Chemistry and 2 from

Biology/Agric. Science, Physics, Economics, Geography, Further Mathematics

 (i)        Upper Credit at ND/HND in Agricultural Science

(ii)       3 A’Level Credit Passes in Chemistry, Biology and


f. Consumer SciencesEnglish, Chemistry, Physics

and Biology/Agric Science

 English, Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry and

Biology/Agric. Science

(i)         Upper Credit at ND/HND in Catering and Hotel

Management, Textile and Clothing Construction,             Food Science and Technology; Nutrition, Leisure

and Tourism;



Requirements for Admission into Part I and Direct Entry in the Faculties


S/NCourse/ProgramUME RequirementsO/Level RequirementsDirect Entry Requirements
a. Dramatic Arts English Language, Literature in English and 3 other

subjects from History, Yoruba/Igbo/ Hausa/French,

Music, CRS/IRS, Fine Arts, Government, Geography,

Mathematics, Economics, Physics, Biology, Agricultural

Science,  Home Economics, Chemistry, Food & Nutrition/Civic Education /Principles of Account/Catering & Catering Craft Practice/Animal Husbandry/ Garment

Making/  Costmetology, Photography and Office Practice, Computer Studies

 Diploma in Dramatic Arts from O.A.U. or any other

recognized Diploma/NCE in Theatre Arts


b. English English, Literature in English and 3 other subjects from

History/ Yoruba/Igbo/Hausa/French/Music/CRS/IRS/

Fine Art/Government/Geography/Economics/ Civics Education and Principles of Account

 Advanced Level
c. Literature in English English, Literature in English and 3 other subjects from

History/ Yoruba/Igbo/Hausa/French/Music/CRS/IRS/

Arabic/ Fine Art/Government/Geography/Economics/

Civic Education and Principles of Account

 Advanced Level
d. French English Plus 4 other subjects from Literature/Yoruba/

Igbo/CRS/IRS/History/French/Government/ Fine Arts/

Mathematics/Music/Economic/Physics/Chemistry/ Biology, Home Economics/Geography/Food & Nutrition/Civic Education

 (i)        NCE French Village (NFV) Diploma,

(ii)       Diploma in Natural History Museum,

(iii)       O.A.U./Diploma in Conservation             Science/Tourism, O.A.U.

e. GermanEnglish Plus 4 other subjects from Literature/Yoruba/

Igbo/CRS/IRS/History/French/Government/ Fine Arts/


Home Economics/Geography/Food & Nutrition/Civic

Education, Agric. Science

 Diploma Zentifikat, Deutsch
f. PortugueseEnglish Plus 4 other subjects from Literature/Yoruba/

Igbo/CRS/IRS/History/French/Government/ Fine Arts/


Home Economics/Geography/Food & Nutrition/Civic


 Diploma Celpe-Bras (Intermediario)
S/NCourse/ProgramUME RequirementsO/Level RequirementsDirect Entry Requirements
g. History English and 4 Credits in History, Government, Civic

Education, Literature, CRS/IRS, French, Yoruba, or

Hausa or Igbo, Economics, Mathematics, Principles

of Accounts

 Diploma in Conservation Sciences/Tourism
h. Yoruba English, and 4 others from Literature in English, Yoruba,

Igbo, CRS/IRS, History, French, Fine Arts,

Mathematics, Biology, Chemistry, Physics, Economics,

Geography, Agric. Science, Principles of Accounts,

Government, Civic Education, Music

 (i)        Diploma in Yoruba

(ii)       Certificate in Yoruba/NCE

i. LinguisticsEnglish, and 4 others from Literature in English, Yoruba,

Igbo, CRS/IRS, History, French, Fine Arts,

Mathematics, Biology, Chemistry, Physics, Economics,

Geography, Agric. Science, Principles of Accounts,

Government, Civic Education, Music

 Diploma in Yoruba/NCE with Language option
j. Music English Language and 4 others from Literature, Yoruba/

Igbo/Hausa, Music CRS/IRS, History, French, Fine

Arts, Mathematics, Biology, Chemistry, Physics,

Economics, Geography, Agric. Science, Principles of

Account, Government, Civic Education, Computer


 Diploma in Music from OAU or any other

recognized Higher Institution, ABRSM London

Grade 8 (Theory/Practical) or Equivalent, OAU

Cert. in Music, OND in Music, NCE in Music


k. Philosophy English Language, Pass in Mathematics, and Credits in 4

other subjects from Literature, Yoruba/Igbo/Hausa, Music, Government, Civic Education, Economics Geography, CRS/IRS, History, French, Biology, Chemistry, Physics, Agric. Science, Fine Arts

 Advanced Level (AL)/(OND)/Recognized Diploma
l. Religious Studies English, and 4 others from Literature, Yoruba, Igbo,

CRS/IRS, History, French, Fine Arts, Mathematics,

Biology, Chemistry, Physics, Economics, Geography,

Agric. Science, Principle of Accounts, Government,

Civic Education, Music, Hausa

 Diploma in Theology or Religious Studies from

Immanuel College of Theology, Vining

College  of Theology, Methodist Theological

Institute,  NCE in CRK/IRK, Religious Studies,

2 Advanced Level Papers



Requirements for Admission into Part I and Direct Entry in the Faculties


S/NCourse/ProgramUME RequirementsO/Level RequirementsDirect Entry Requirements
a. International Relations English, Mathematics,

Government and any other

one from Economics,

Geography, History,

Literature in English

 English, Mathematics, Government and any other two

from Economics, Geography, History, Literature, in

English Computer Studies/ICT


 O’Level Requirements plus two A’Level Passes

in Government, Economics or History

b. Local Government


 English, Mathematics,

Government and one from

Accounting, Economics,

Geography, History,

Yoruba, Computer Studies/


 English, Mathematics, Government and two from

Accounting, Economics, Geography, Yoruba, History,

Computer Studies/ICT

 (i)        Credit Passes at A`Level in Economics,             Government, History or Geography.

(ii)       ND/HND in Local Government Studies,             Public Administration, Accounting or             Business Administration Studies (upper


c. Management &


 English, Mathematics,

Economics and any other

from Accounting,

Government, Geography,

Computer Studies/ICT

 English, Mathematics, Economics and any 2 from

Accounting, Government, Geography, Literature,

Biology, Yoruba, Computer Studies/ICT

 (i)        Upper Credit at ND/HND in

Accounting, Banking & ‘
Finance/Business Administration

(ii)       ATSWA (Final Stage)

(iii)      ICAN or ACCA (Foundation Level)

(iv)      Credit Passes at A’Level in which one must

be in Economics or Accounting

d. Business


 English, Mathematics,

Economics and any other

from Accounting,

Government, Geography,

Computer Studies/ICT

 English, Mathematics, Economics and any 2 from

Accounting, Government, Geography, Literature,

Biology, Yoruba, Computer Studies/ICT

 (i)        Upper Credit at ND/HND in

Accounting, Banking & ‘
Finance/Business Administration

(ii)       ATSWA (Final Stage)

(iii)      ICAN or ACCA (Foundation Level)

(iv)      Credit Passes at A’Level in which one must

be in Economics or Accounting

e. Public Administration English, Mathematics,

Government, Economics

 English, Mathematics, Government and any 2 from

Economics, History, Geography, Yoruba, CRS/IRS,

Literature, Biology, Accounting, Civic Education,

Computer Studies/ICT

 (i)        Upper Credit at ND/HND in Local

Government Studies, Public             Administration, Statistics

(ii)        3 A’level credit passes in Economics,




Requirements for Admission into Part I and Direct Entry in the Faculties


S/NCourse/ProgramUME RequirementsO/Level RequirementsDirect Entry Requirements
a. Architecture Mathematics, English and

any 2  from Physics,

Chemistry, Economics,

Fine Arts.

 Mathematics, English , Physics and 2 from Fine Arts,

Technical Drawing, Economics, Physics, Chemistry,

Economics, Geography, Biology, Agricultural


 (i)        ND/HND upper credit in Architecture

(ii)       A’Level Credit passes in Physics,             Mathematics or Chemistry

b. Building English, Chemistry, Physics,


 English, Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry and any 1

from Technical Drawing, Economics, Further

Mathematics, Fine Arts, Geography, Land Surveying

and Building Construction.

(i)                 ND/HND upper credit in Architecture,

Civil Engineering, Quantity Surveying, Building

(ii)       A’Level Credit passes in Physics,             Mathematics or Chemistry

c. Surveying and


 English, Mathematics,

Physics and Geography/


 English, Mathematics, Physics one from Chemistry/

Geography and one from Economics/Biology/Further

Mathematics/Technical Drawing

d. Quantity Surveying English Language and 2

from Physics, Chemistry,

Technical Drawing,

Geography, Economics and Biology

 English, Mathematics, Physics and 2 from Chemistry,

Technical Drawing, Geography, Economics, Biology, Further Mathematics

 (i)        ND/HND upper credit in Architecture,

Quantity Surveying, Building

(ii)       A’Level Credit passes in Physics,             Mathematics or Chemistry

e. Urban & Regional


 English, Mathematics,

Geography, Economics/


 English, Mathematics, Geography, Economics and l

from Biology, Physics, Chemistry, Technical Drawing,

Fine Arts, History, Government.

 (i)   A’Level passes in Economics, Geography

and Mathematics.

(ii)    ND/HND in Urban and Regional Planning,

Building, Quantity Surveying, Architecture,

Land Surveying, Civil Engineering

f. Estate Management English, Mathematics

Economics and one from

Biology, Physics, Chemistry,

Geography and Fine Arts

 English, Mathematics Economics and 1 from

Chemistry, Physics, Biology, Geography, Building

Construction,  Technical Drawing, Fine Arts and 1 from Yoruba, Agriculture, Account, Food & Nutrition, Literature Government, CRS/IRS, Further Mathematics, Home Economics

 (i)    A’Level passes in Economics, Mathematics

and any Science Subject.

(ii)    ND/HND in Building Construction

g. Fine and Applied Arts English and any 3 fiom the

Arts,  Social Science and

Science excluding

Commerce, Book Keeping and Shorthand

 English, one Science and any 3 from Sciences, Social

Science, Arts, except Commerce, Book Keeping and


(ii)               3 A’Level passes in one Science Subject and English.

(iii)             Diploma in Fine Arts



Requirements for Admission into Part I and Direct Entry in the Faculties


S/NCourse/ProgramUME RequirementsO/Level RequirementsDirect Entry Requirements
a. Law English, Literature plus any

two other subjects

 Five O’Level Credit Passes to include English,

Literature and any other 3 subject         from Government, History, CRS/IRS, French, Maths, Economics, Physics, Chemistry, Biology, Agriculture and Accounting

 (i)        First Degree with a minimum of 2nd Class             Honours plus UME requirements

(ii)       3 A’Level credit passes in Art or Social             Sciences



Requirements for Admission into Part I and Direct Entry in the Faculties


S/NCourse/ProgramUME RequirementsO/Level RequirementsDirect Entry Requirements
a. History Education




 History and any other 2 from

CRK/IRK, French, Literature in

English, Yoruba, Geography,

Physics, Economics, Government

and Hausa

 English and 4 from Agric/Food & Nutrition,

Arabic, Fine Arts, Biology, Chemistry, CRK/IRK,

Economics, French, Geography, Government,

Hausa, Home Economics, Igbo, Literature,

Mathematics, Music, Physics, Accounting, Yoruba,

Technical Drawing, Further Maths., Building

Construction, Land Surveying, PHE, Social

Studies and Integrated Science.

 (i)        A’Level/GCE Credit in English,

History, and any 1 of IRS/CRS, Economics,      Geography, Government, Fine Arts, Yoruba,    Hausa, Igbo, Literature in English

(ii)       NCE Merit/Credit in History (Double             Major), History/IRS or CRS, History/            Geography, History/Economics, Diploma

in Education

b. English Education. Literature in English and 1 Arts

subject and any other subject

 English, Literature in English, plus any other

three subjects from IRS/CRS, Yoruba, Hausa,

Igbo, History, Government, French, Biology,

Agricultural Science, Food and Nutrition, or 5

Merit/Credit at TC II

 (i)        A’Level/Credit in English

Language, Literature in English

(ii)       NCE Merit/Credit in English/Social
Studies, English/CRS/IRS,             English/Yoruba, English/French,             English/Special Education, English/

History, Diploma in Education

c. Education (Fine and

Applied Arts)

 Fine Arts, one other Arts subject

and other subject

 English plus any 4 as listed in Education History


 (i)        A’Level/Credit in English, Fine Arts
plus any 1 subject from Technical             Drawing, Geography, Economics, History,            Government, CRS/IRS, Yoruba, Igbo,    Hausa

(ii)       NCE Merit/Credit in Fine Arts             (Double major), Diploma in Education

d. Education (French) French plus 2 other Arts subjects English plus any 4 from Education History above (i)        A’Level/Credit in English, French, 1
            from IRS/CRS History, Yoruba,

Literature, Government

(ii)       NCE Credit in Education, French

                        (Double major), Diploma in Education


(Language Arts)

Any 3 from Yoruba, Literature in

English, IRS/CRS, History and


English, Literature plus any other 3 subjects from

IRS/CRS, Yoruba/Hausa/ Igbo, History/

Government, French, Biology, Agricultural

Science/Food Nutrition or 5 Merit/Credit at


(i)         A’Level/GCE Credit in English, Literature         plus any other three subjects from IRS/CRS, Yoruba/Hausa/Igbo, History/Government,    French

(ii)       NCE Merit/Credit in English/Social             Studies, English/CRS/IRS, English/             Yoruba, English/French, English/Special Education, English/History, Diploma in       Education

S/NCourse/ProgramUME RequirementsO/Level RequirementsDirect Entry Requirements
 f. Education (Music) Music and any other two Arts,

Social Sciences

 English plus any 4 as listed in Education

History above

 (i)        A`Level/GCE Credit in English, Music, plus any           one of Yoruba/Hausa/Igbo,  Literature, English,       History/Government

(ii)       NCE Merit/Credit in Music (Double Major) or          combined with a teaching Subject, Diploma in      Education.

g. Physical and Health


 Biology and any 2 relevant


 English, plus any other four subjects from

Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry, Agricultural

Science, Food and Nutrition, Geography,

Economics, Government, Biology, Health

Science, Integrated Science, Literature,

IRS/CRS, History, Government or five

Merit/Credit at TC II

 (i)        A’Level/GCE Credit in English plus any other          two subjects from Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry,             Agricultural Science/Food and Nutrition,         Geography,      Economics, Government, Biology/Health Sciences/             Integrated Science, Literature, History/Government

(ii)       ND/HND/NCE Merit/Credit in Physical and
Health Education; Diploma in Education

h. Education (Religious


 2 Arts subjects including

Religious and 1 other subject

 English Language, IRS/CRS, plus any other

three subjects from Literature in English,

Yoruba/Hausa/Igbo, History/ Government,

French, Economics, Geography, Biology,

Agric. Science/ Food and Nutrition or five

Merit/Credit at TC II

 (i)        A’Level/GCE Credit in English Language,        IRS/CRS, plus any other three subjects from    Literature in English, Yoruba/Hausa/lgbo,      History/Government, French

(ii)       NCE Merit/Credit in IRS/CRS,             CRS/English,    CRS/Yoruba, IRS/Yoruba, CRS/French,         IRS/French, CRS/Political Science, IRS/Political             Science; Diploma in Education

i. Education (Yoruba) Yoruba and any other

2 subjects chosen from History,

Literature, French, IRK/CRK,

Arabic and Geography/Physics

 English, Yoruba and any 3 from Government,

Economics, Geography, Agric. Science/Food

and Nutrition, French, IRS/CRS, Literature,

Biology or Five Merit/Credit at TC II

 (i)        A’Level/GCE Credit in Yoruba,             English             and any other three subjects from Literature in         English, IRS/CRS, History/Government, French

(ii)       NCE Merit/Credit in Yoruba/English
Language, Yoruba/French, Yoruba/Hausa, Yoruba/Igbo, Yoruba/Social Studies,            Yoruba/Guidance and Counselling,     Yoruba/History/Government, Yoruba/Diploma

in Education.

j. Education (Biology) Biology and any other 2

subjects chosen from

Chemistry, Mathematics and


 English Language, Biology, Chemistry,

Mathematics and any one of Agricultural

Science/Food and Nutrition, Physics, Health

Science or 5 Merit/Credit at TC II

 (i)        A’Level/GCE Credit in Biology, Chemistry and any one of Physics, Further Mathematics,    Agricultural Science, Food and Nutrition.

(ii)       NCE Merit/Credit in Biology/Chemistry,       Biology/Physics, Biology/Integrated Science,             Biology/Mathematics, Maths/Agricultural Science;      Diploma in Education

k. Education (Chemistry) Chemistry and any other 2

subjects chosen from Physics,

Biology and Mathematics

 Mathematics, Chemistry, English and any

2 subjects from Physics, Biology,

Agricultural Science or 5 merit/credit at


 (i)        A’Level/GCE Credit in English

Language, Chemistry and any one subject from Physics, Mathematics and Further             Mathematics

(ii)       NCE Merit/Credit in Chemistry/Physics,             Chemistry/Mathematics,             Chemistry/       Biology, Chemistry/Integrated Science;

Diploma in Education

l. Education (Mathematics) Mathematics and any other 2 of

the following Science subjects:

Physics, Chemistry and


 English, Mathematics, Physics/

Chemistry and any 2 subjects from Further

Maths. Biology, Agricultural Science/Food

and Nutrition, Technical Drawing or 5

Merit/Credit at TC II.

 (i)        A’Level/GCE Credit in Mathematics,             English Language, Physics/Chemistry and any            other subject from Further Mathematics,    Technical Drawing

(ii)       NCE Merit/Credit in Maths/Physics,             Mathematics/Chemistry, Mathematics/             Technical Education, Mathematics/             Computer Science, Mathematics/Technical Education, Diploma in Education.

m. Education

(Mathematics &

Integrated Science

 Any 3 of Mathematics,

Chemistry, Physics, Biology

and Agricultural Science

 English Language, Mathematics, and any

other 3 subjects from Biology,

Chemistry, Physics, General Science,

Agricultural Science/Food & Nutrition,

Health Science, Technical Drawing or 5

Merit/credit at TC II

 (i)        A’Level/GCE Credit in Mathematics, English             Language and one subject from Biology,           Chemistry, Physics, General Science,           Agricultural Science/Food and Nutrition, Further          Mathematics

(ii)        NCE Merit/Credit Integrated Science/             Mathematic, Integrated Science/Biology,          Integrated Science/Technical Education,    Integrated Science/Physics, Integrated             Science/Chemistry, Integrated Science/

Computer Science, Integrated Science/Auto-  Mechanics, Integrated Science/Special            Education; Diploma in Education

n. Education (Physics) Any 3 of Mathematics,

Chemistry, Physics, Biology

and Agricultural Science

 English Language, Mathematics, and any

other 3 subjects from Biology,

Chemistry, Physics, General Science,

Agricultural Science/Food & Nutrition,

Health Science, Technical Drawing or 5

Merit/credit at TC II

(i)         A’Level/GCE Credit in Mathematics, English             Language and one subject from Biology,           Chemistry, Physics, General Science,           Agricultural Science/Food and Nutrition, Further          Mathematics
 (ii)       NCE Merit/Credit Integrated Science/             Mathematic, Integrated Science/Biology,          Integrated Science/Technical Education,    Integrated Science/Physics, Integrated             Science/Chemistry, Integrated Science/

Computer Science, Integrated Science/Auto-  Mechanics, Integrated Science/Special            Education; Diploma in Education

o. Education (Economics) Economics, Mathematics, and

other subject from Geography/

Physics, History, Government

and  Literature in English

 English Language, Mathematics,

Economics and any other two subjects

from Government, Geography, IRS/CRS,

Yoruba/Hausa/Igbo, Business Education/

Accounting or 5 Merit/Credit at TC II

(i)         A’Level/GCE Credit in English, Economics       and any other subject from Government,    Geography, Mathematics

(ii)        NCE Merit/Credit in Economics/Mathematics,             Economics/Geography, Economics/

Accounting, Economics/Business Education,        Economics/Secretarial Studies, Economics/      Government, Economics/Business Education,             Economics/Political Science, Economics/Social         Studies, Business Education, Computer/Science/

Economics, (double major or combined with

any teaching subject is also acceptable); Diploma

in Education

p. Education (Geography) Geography, English Language,

Mathematics and any other two from

Economics, Government Biology,

Agricultural Science/Food & Nutrition,

Chemistry,  IRS/CRS,Yoruba/Hausa/ Igbo

or 5 merit/credit at TC II

(i)         A`Level/GCE Credit in English             Language,

Geography, and any one subject from             Economics, Mathematics, Business-Method,           Government

(ii)        NCE Merit/Credit in Geography/Social Studies,

Geography/Economics,             Geography/Mathematics, Geography/             Physics, Geography/Chemistry,             Geography/Integrated Science, Geography/

Political Science, Geography/Biology,

Geography/Computer Science, Diploma in


q. Guidance and Counselling Any 3 subject English Language, Mathematics plus any

three  subjects from Literature in English,

History/Government, French, Fine Arts,

IRS/CRS, Yoruba/Igbo/Hausa Physics,

Chemistry, Biology, Integrated Science,

Geography, Further Maths., Secretarial –

Any two (2) teaching subjects or any one double major

NCE subject; Diploma in Education

 Studies, Agricultural Science/Food &

Nutrition, Economics, Technical

Drawing, Physical and Health Education,

Music or 5 merit/credit at TC II

r. Education (Social Studies) Any 3 of CRS, Economics,

Geography/Physics, Government,

History and IRS

 English Language, at least 1 from

Economics/Government/Social Studies/

Geography, three (3) from History, Music,

Fine Arts, IRS/CRS, Home Economics,

Literature in English. Accounting, Agric.

Science, Physics, Chemistry, Biology,

Integrated Science, Physical and Health

Education or 5 merit/credit at TC II

 (i)        A’Level/GCE Credit in English and two other

subjects from Government, Geography,

Home Economics, Literature in English,            Economics, History/Government, IRS/CRS, Fine Arts,. Music

(ii)       NCE Merit/Credit in Social Studies

(Double Major) Social Studies/Music, Social   Studies/IRS or CRS, Social Studies/English,            Social Studies/Political Science, Social Studies/Fine Arts, Social Studies/Economics,       Social Studies/Geography, Social Studies/             Yoruba; Diploma in Education

s. Education

(Political Science)

 Government or History plus 2

other Arts or Social Sciences


 English Language, Mathematics,

Government, and any other 2 subjects

from Economics, Geography, History or

5 merit/credit at TC II

 (i)        A’Level/GCE Credit in English Language,        Government and any other one subject from     Economics, Geography, Mathematics

(ii)       NCE Merit/Credit in Political Science             (Double Major), Political Science/English            Language, Political Science/Economics,      Political Science/Geography, Political             Science/Mathematics, Political             Science/Yoruba, Political Science/Igbo,

Political Science/Hausa, Political             Science/Social Studies; Diploma in Education

t. Educational Management English Language (4) from Economics,

Government, Geography, Accounting,

Agric. Science, Food & Nutrition, Arabic,

Fine Art, Biology, Chemistry, CRS, IRS,

French, Hausa, Home Econs.

Igbo, Literature, Mathematics, Music,

Physics, Yoruba, Further Maths, Technical

Drawing, Physical and Health Education,

Social Studies, Integrated Science, Civic


 (i)        A’Level Credit passes in Economics for        Cognate Area of Economics, Geography       for Cognate Area of Geography,      Government for cognate Area of Political        Science, Social Studies for cognate area of Social Studies, Business Studies/            Accounting (Double major or combined)        for cognate area of Accounting and one            other    Social Sciences Subject

(ii)       NCE Credit passes in two Teaching or             Professional subject.

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