Abubakar Tafawa Balewa University is ranked among the best schools of postgraduate studies to pursue your graduate programme. The management of the school of postgraduate studies, Abubakar Tafawa Balewa University, in Bauchi state has official published the list of postgraduate courses offered in ATBU, therefore, prospective students are advised to go through the list to find the available programmes for their preferred choice.
As usual, I have arranged the list of available PG programmes in ATBU and their admission requirements based the faculty they fall under and the certificate awarded by the university. I recently updated this post as there were some inclusion of some PG courses which previously were not included among the list of postgraduate courses that are available at ATBU.
Modern education – get a degree online. Learning your profession on the internet. Man is studying using laptopOne unique development about ATBU postgraduate courses is that you are able to specialize in a sub-courses, as in there are opportunities for candidates to choose an area of specialization.
When you carefully go through the list of postgraduate courses offered in ATBU as seen below, you would confirm that PG courses are offered in the institution are Postgraduate Diploma (PGD) and Masters degree and Ph.D programmes. The authenticity of this source is 100% because it was culled from ATBU postgraduate website so please be rest assured that any information gotten in the process of reading this post, I’m confident will be of great help in the area of making a good choice as to which of the postgraduate programme is best tailored for your future career path.
In this post, aside providing you with ATBU PG programmes, I will make available other important information such as the PG entry requirements for Masters degree programmes and Postgraduate Diploma Programmes as well as the expected duration for the programme.
Postgraduate Diploma (PGD)
- Interested candidates must meet the matriculation requirements including a credit pass in English Language and Mathematics at the O’ level.i.e, WAEC, NECO, NABTEB.
- Graduates of Abubakar Tafawa Balewa University or other recognized Universities with at least Third Class Honours Degree.
- HND holders with a minimum of Lower credit from recognised institutions.
- Holders of any other qualifications together with relevant field experience as deemed acceptable to the University.
Masters Degree
- All candidates must meet the matriculation requirements including a credit in English Language and Mathematics at the O’ level.i.e, WAEC, NECO, NABTEB.
- Graduates of Abubakar Tafawa Balewa University who have obtained the approved first degree with at least Second Class Honours (Lower Division).
- Candidates with approved University Honours Degree (CGPA of 3.00 and above on a scale of 5.00 point) or CGPA of 2.40 – 2.99 inclusive plus three years post graduation.
- Candidates with Third Class honours degree plus five years post graduation.
- Appropriate Postgraduate Diploma of the Abubakar Tafawa Balewa University or other recognized Universities with at least a pass at credit level.
- Candidates whose degrees are unclassified with an average of C or above
- Candidates who possess Higher National Diploma with at least a credit pass from recognised institutions and at least a pass at credit level of Postgraduate Diploma of Abubakar Tafawa Balewa University in the relevant areas.
- Candidates may be required to sit for a qualifying examination either before approval of registration or at an appropriate stage of their course work or research.
Master of Philosophy (M. Phil) and Masters by Research Degrees
- Graduates of Abubakar Tafawa Balewa University or other recognized Institutions who have obtained the approved first degree with at least Second Class Honours (Upper Division)
- A good Second Class Honours Degree plus a considerable relevant industrial experience.
Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) Degree
- All candidates must meet the matriculation requirements including a credit pass in English Language and Mathematics at the O’ level.i.e, WAEC, NECO, NABTEB.
- Graduates of Abubakar Tafawa Balewa University who hold Masters Degree appropriate for the proposed areas of study
- Graduates of other recognised Universities who hold Masters Degrees with a CGPA of at least 3.50 on a scale of 5.00
- Candidates for the PhD programmes may be required to pass a qualifying examination and/or undergo a probationary period not exceeding 12 calendar months.
Duration of ATBU PG Programmes
PGD (Post-Graduate Diploma)
Full Time (FT) – 2 Semesters Minimum & Maximum of 4 Semesters
Part Time (PT) – 4 Semesters Minimum & Maximum of 8 Semesters
Masters Degree
Full Time (FT) – 4 Semesters Minimum & Maximum of 8 Semesters
Part Time (PT) – 8 Semesters Minimum & Maximum of 12 Semesters
Below is a comprehensive list of the available PG programmes offered in ATBU (Abubakar Tafawa Balewa University) also attached is the admission requirements for all the postgraduate programmes.
List of ATBU Postgraduate Programmes
Agricultural Economics and Extension
- Sc In Agricultural Economics
- Sc In Agricultural Extension
- PGD In Agricultural Economics and Extension
- PhD In Agricultural Extension
- PhD in Agricultural Economics
Animal Production
- MSc. In Animal Breeding and Genetics
- MSc. In Animal Health and Production
- MSc. In Monogastric Nutrition and Management
- MSc. In Reproductive Physiology
- MSc. In Ruminant Nutrition and Management
- PGD In Animal Breeding and Genetics
- PGD in Monogastric Nutrition and Management
- PGD in Reproductive Physiology
- PGD In Ruminant Nutrition and Management
Crop Production
- MSc In Agricultural Entomology
- MSc In Plant Pathology
- MSc in Agronomy
- MSc in Genetics and Plant Breeding
- MSc in Soil Science
- PGD In Agronomy and Farm Management
- PGD Genetics and Plant Breeding
- PGD in Agricultural Entomology
- PGD in Agronomy
- PGD in Plant Pathology
- PGD in Soil Science
Agriculture and Bio-Resource Engineering
- Eng. Farm Power and Machinery
- Eng. Farm Structures and Environmental Control
- Eng. Food Processing and Storage
- Eng. Soil and Water Engineering
- PGD in Agricultural Engineering
- PGD Farm Power and Machinery Engineering
- PGD Soil and Water Engineering
Chemical Engineering
- B.Eng.Catalysis and Reaction Engineering
- B.Eng. In Chemical Engineering (Biochemical & Environmental Eng)
- B.Eng. In Process & Engineering Optimization
- B.Eng. Materials (Polymers/Ceramics) Engineering
- B.Eng. Petroleum Refining and Petrochemicals
- PGD In Chemical Engineering
- PhD Chemical Engineering (Petroleum Refining & Petrochemicals)
- PhD In Chemical Engineering (Process Eng.& Process Optimization)
- PhD in Chemical Engineering (Biochemical & Env. Engineering)
- PhD in Chemical Engineering (Catalysis & Reaction Engineering)
- PhD in Materials (Polymers/Ceramics) Engineering
Civil Engineering
- Eng. Civil (Geotechnical) Engineering
- Eng. Civil (Structural) Engineering
- Eng. Civil (Water Resources) Engineering
- PGD in Civil Engineering
- D Civil (Geotechnical) Engineering
- D Civil (Structural) Engineering
- Phd Civil (Water Resources and Environmental) Engineering
Electrical Engineering
- Eng Power System and Machine Engineering
- Eng. In Control System Engineering
- Eng.In Computer Engineering
- Eng.In Electrical Engineering (Electronics)
- Eng.In Telecommunication Engineering
- PGD Electrical Engineering
- PGD Electrical Engineering (Electronics Engineering)
- PhD Electrical Engineering (Communications Engineering)
- PhD Electrical Engineering (Computer Engineering)
- PhD Electrical Engineering (Control Engineering)
- PhD Electrical Engineering (Power System & Machine Engineering)
Mechanical Engineering
- B.Eng. In Power and Process Engineering
- B.Eng. In Production Engineering
- PGD in Mechanical Engineering
- PGD Automotive Engineering
- PGD in Mechanical Production (Materials)
- PhD In Mechanical Engineering (Energy)
- PhD in Production Engineering
Mechatronics and System Engineering
- Eng Machine Design and Mechatronic Engineering
Petroleum Engineering
- PGD Petroleum Engineering
- PhD Petroleum Engineering
- Tech Architecture
- PGD Architecture
- PGD Architecture
Building Technology
- B.Tech Construction Management
- B.Tech Construction Technology
- PGD Construction Management
- PGD Construction Management
- PGD Construction Technology
Environmental Management Technology
- Tech In Environmental Management Technology
- PGD In Environment and Development
- PhD In Environmental Management Technology
Estate Management
- Tech Estate Management & Valuation
- PGD Estate Management & Valuation
- D Estate Management & Valuation
Industrial Design
- Tech In Industrial Design (Ceramics and Ceramics Technology)
- Tech In Industrial Design (Metal & Jewelry Technology)
- Tech In industrial Design (Graphics and Graphics Technology)
- PhD In Industrial Design (Ceramics and Ceramics Technology)
- PhD In Industrial Design (Graphics and graphics Technology)
- PhD In Industrial Design (Metal and Jewelry Design Technology )
Quantity Surveying
- Tech In Project Management
- Tech In Quantity Surveying
- PGD In Quantity Surveying
- PhD In Project Management
- PhD In Quantity Surveying
- Surveying and Geoinformatics
- Tech in Surveying & Geoinformatics
- PGD in Surveying & Geoinformatics
- D in Surveying & Geoinformatics
Urban and Regional Planning
- Tech Urban & Regional Planning (Urban Management)
- PGD Urban & Regional Planning
Accounting and Finance
- M.Sc. Accounting
- M.Sc. Banking and Finance
- Master of Accounting and Finance
- Master of Development Studies
- PGD Accounting and Finance
- D Accounting
- PhD in Finance
Management and Information Technology
- Sc. Management
- Sc. Management Information Technology
- MBA Engineering Management
- MBA Entrepreneurship & Business Development
- MBA Environment & Sustainable Development
- MBA Finance & Investment
- MBA Human Resource Management
- MBA Management
- MBA Marketing
- MBA Technology Management
- Master of Health Management
- Master of Information Technology Management
- PGD Finance
- PGD Management
- PGD Management Information Technology
- D Management
- D Management Information Technology
Biological Science
- M.Sc Applied Ecology
- M.Sc Botany (Advanced Taxonomy)
- M.Sc Botany (Medicinal Plants)
- M.Sc Cell Biology & Cytogenetic
- M.Sc Industrial Microbiology
- M.Sc Zoology (Entomology)
- M.Sc Zoology (Invertebrate Zoology)
- M.Sc Zoology (Parasitology)
- M.Sc Zoology (Vertebrate Zoology)
- PGD Botany
- PGD Community Health & Hygeine
- PGD Epidemology and Control of Communicable Disease
- PGD Microbiology
- PGD Public Health
- Parasitology
- D Applied Parasitology
- D Botany
- D Ecology
- D Entomology
- D Food Microbiology
- D Helaminthology
- D Industrial Microbiology
- D Parasitology
- D Protozoology
- Sc Analytical Chemistry
- Sc Inorganic Chemistry
- Sc Organic Chemistry
- Sc Polymer Chemistry
- PGD Industrial Chemistry
- D Analytical Chemistry
- D Industrial Chemistry
- D Inorganic Chemistry
- D Organic Chemistry
- D Polymer Chemistry
- PhD Physical Chemistry
- Sc Economics Geology/Mineral Exploration
- Sc Sedimentology/Petroleum Geology
- D Economic Geology/Mineral Exploration
- D Environmental Geology
- D Sedimentology/Petroleum Geology
Mathematical Science
- Sc Mathematics
- Sc Statistics
- Computer Science
- PGD Computer Science
- PGD Mathematics
- PGD Statistics
- D Computer Science
- D Mathematics
- D Statistics
- Sc Theoretical Physics
- PGD Geophysics
- D Physics (Communication & Electronics)
- D Physics (Energy Studies)
- D Physics (Medical)
- D Physics (Solid State)
- PhD Geophysics
- PhD Physics (Theoretical)
Educational Foundation
- Tech Educational Administration & Planning
- Tech. in Educational Guidance & Counseling
- PGD Education
- D Curriculum Studies
- D Educational Administration and Planning
- D Educational Psychology
- D in Educational Guidance & Counseling
Science Education
- Tech Biology Education
- Tech Chemistry Education
- Tech Computer Science Education
- Tech Mathematics Education
- Tech Physics Education
- D Mathematics Education
- D Science Education
- D in Computer Education
Vocational and Technology Education
- Tech Metal Work Technology Education
- Tech Agricultural Education
- Tech Automobile Technology Education
- Tech Building Technology Education
- Tech Business Education (Accounting)
- Tech Business Education (Management)
- Tech Electrical Electronics Education
- Tech Woodwork Technology Education
- D Automobile Technology Education
- D Business Education (Accounting)
- D Business Education (Management)
- D Metalwork Technology Education
- D Woodwork Technology Education
- PhD Agricultural Education
- PhD Building Technology Education
- PhD Electrical & Electronics Education
Agricultural Economics and Extension
- Sc In Agricultural Economics
- Sc In Agricultural Extension
- PGD In Agricultural Economics and Extension
- PhD In Agricultural Extension
- PhD in Agricultural Economics
Animal Production
- Sc. In Animal Breeding and Genetics
- Sc. In Animal Health and Production
- Sc. In Monogastric Nutrition and Management
- Sc. In Reproductive Physiology
- Sc.In Ruminant Nutrition and Management
- D In Animal Breeding and Genetics
- D in Monogastric Nutrition and Management
- D in Reproductive Physiology
- D.In Ruminant Nutrition and Management
Crop Production
- Sc In Agricultural Entomology
- Sc In Plant Pathology
- Sc in Agronomy
- Sc in Genetics and Plant Breeding
- Sc in Soil Science
- PGD In Agronomy and Farm Management
- D Genetics and Plant Breeding
- D in Agricultural Entomology
- D in Agronomy
- D in Plant Pathology
- D in Soil Science
Agriculture and Bio-Resource Engineering
- Eng. Farm Power and Machinery
- Eng. Farm Structures and Environmental Control
- Eng. Food Processing and Storage
- Eng. Soil and Water Engineering
- PGD in Agricultural Engineering
- D Farm Power and Machinery Engineering
- D Soil and Water Engineering
Chemical Engineering
- Eng.Catalysis and Reaction Engineering
- Eng. In Chemical Engineering (Biochemical & Environmental Eng)
- Eng. In Process & Engineering Optimization
- Eng. Materials (Polymers/Ceramics) Engineering
- Eng. Petroleum Refining and Petrochemicals
- PGD In Chemical Engineering
- PhD Chemical Engineering (Petroleum Refining & Petrochemicals)
- PhD In Chemical Engineering (Process Eng.& Process Optimization)
- PhD in Chemical Engineering (Biochemical & Env. Engineering)
- PhD in Chemical Engineering (Catalysis & Reaction Engineering)
- PhD in Materials (Polymers/Ceramics) Engineering
Civil Engineering
- Eng. Civil (Geotechnical) Engineering
- Eng. Civil (Structural) Engineering
- Eng. Civil (Water Resources) Engineering
- PGD in Civil Engineering
- D Civil (Geotechnical) Engineering
- D Civil (Structural) Engineering
- Phd Civil (Water Resources and Environmental) Engineering
Electrical Engineering
- Eng Power System and Machine Engineering
- Eng. In Control System Engineering
- Eng.In Computer Engineering
- Eng.In Electrical Engineering (Electronics)
- Eng.In Telecommunication Engineering
- PGD Electrical Engineering
- D Electrical Engineering (Electronics Engineering)
- PhD Electrical Engineering (Communications Engineering)
- PhD Electrical Engineering (Computer Engineering)
- PhD Electrical Engineering (Control Engineering)
- PhD Electrical Engineering (Power System & Machine Engineering)
Mechanical Engineering
- Eng. In Power and Process Engineering
- Eng. In Production Engineering
- PGD in Mechanical Engineering
- D Automotive Engineering
- D in Mechanical Production (Materials)
- PhD In Mechanical Engineering (Energy)
- PhD in Production Engineering
Mechatronics and System Engineering
- Eng Machine Design and Mechatronic Engineering
Petroleum Engineering
- PGD Petroleum Engineering
- PhD Petroleum Engineering
- Tech Architecture
- PGD Architecture
- D Architecture
Building Technology
- Tech Construction Management
- Tech Construction Technology
- PGD Construction Management
- D Construction Management
- D Construction Technology
Environmental Management Technology
- Tech In Environmental Management Technology
- PGD In Environment and Development
- PhD In Environmental Management Technology
Estate Management
- Tech Estate Management & Valuation
- PGD Estate Management & Valuation
- D Estate Management & Valuation
Industrial Design
- Tech In Industrial Design (Ceramics and Ceramics Technology)
- Tech In Industrial Design (Metal & Jewelry Technology)
- Tech In industrial Design (Graphics and Graphics Technology)
- PhD In Industrial Design (Ceramics and Ceramics Technology)
- PhD In Industrial Design (Graphics and graphics Technology)
- PhD In Industrial Design (Metal and Jewelry Design Technology )
Quantity Surveying
- Tech In Project Management
- Tech In Quantity Surveying
- PGD In Quantity Surveying
- PhD In Project Management
- PhD In Quantity Surveying
- Surveying and Geoinformatics
- Tech in Surveying & Geoinformatics
- PGD in Surveying & Geoinformatics
- D in Surveying & Geoinformatics
Urban and Regional Planning
- Tech Urban & Regional Planning (Urban Management)
- D Urban & Regional Planning
Accounting and Finance
- Sc. Accounting
- Sc. Banking and Finance
- Master of Accounting and Finance
- Master of Development Studies
- PGD Accounting and Finance
- D Accounting
- PhD in Finance
Management and Information Technology
- Sc. Management
- Sc. Management Information Technology
- MBA Engineering Management
- MBA Entrepreneurship & Business Development
- MBA Environment & Sustainable Development
- MBA Finance & Investment
- MBA Human Resource Management
- MBA Management
- MBA Marketing
- MBA Technology Management
- Master of Health Management
- Master of Information Technology Management
- PGD Finance
- PGD Management
- PGD Management Information Technology
- D Management
- D Management Information Technology
Biological Science
- Sc Applied Ecology
- Sc Botany (Advanced Taxonomy)
- Sc Botany (Medicinal Plants)
- Sc Cell Biology & Cytogenetic
- Sc Industrial Microbiology
- Sc Zoology (Entomology)
- Sc Zoology (Invertebrate Zoology)
- Sc Zoology (Parasitology)
- Sc Zoology (Vertebrate Zoology)
- PGD Botany
- PGD Community Health & Hygeine
- PGD Epidemology and Control of Communicable Disease
- PGD Microbiology
- PGD Public Health
- Parasitology
- D Applied Parasitology
- D Botany
- D Ecology
- D Entomology
- D Food Microbiology
- D Helaminthology
- D Industrial Microbiology
- D Parasitology
- D Protozoology
- Sc Analytical Chemistry
- Sc Inorganic Chemistry
- Sc Organic Chemistry
- Sc Polymer Chemistry
- PGD Industrial Chemistry
- D Analytical Chemistry
- D Industrial Chemistry
- D Inorganic Chemistry
- D Organic Chemistry
- D Polymer Chemistry
- PhD Physical Chemistry
- Sc Economics Geology/Mineral Exploration
- Sc Sedimentology/Petroleum Geology
- D Economic Geology/Mineral Exploration
- D Environmental Geology
- D Sedimentology/Petroleum Geology
Mathematical Science
- Sc Mathematics
- Sc Statistics
- Computer Science
- PGD Computer Science
- PGD Mathematics
- PGD Statistics
- D Computer Science
- D Mathematics
- D Statistics
- Sc Theoretical Physics
- PGD Geophysics
- D Physics (Communication & Electronics)
- D Physics (Energy Studies)
- D Physics (Medical)
- D Physics (Solid State)
- PhD Geophysics
- PhD Physics (Theoretical)
Educational Foundation
- Tech Educational Administration & Planning
- Tech. in Educational Guidance & Counseling
- PGD Education
- D Curriculum Studies
- D Educational Administration and Planning
- D Educational Psychology
- D in Educational Guidance & Counseling
Science Education
- Tech Biology Education
- Tech Chemistry Education
- Tech Computer Science Education
- Tech Mathematics Education
- Tech Physics Education
- D Mathematics Education
- D Science Education
- D in Computer Education
Vocational and Technology Education
- Tech Metal Work Technology Education
- Tech Agricultural Education
- Tech Automobile Technology Education
- Tech Building Technology Education
- Tech Business Education (Accounting)
- Tech Business Education (Management)
- Tech Electrical Electronics Education
- Tech Woodwork Technology Education
- D Automobile Technology Education
- D Business Education (Accounting)
- D Business Education (Management)
- D Metalwork Technology Education
- D Woodwork Technology Education
- PhD Agricultural Education
- PhD Building Technology Education
- PhD Electrical & Electronics Education
Are you interested in any of the PG programmes offered at ATBU? You can click HERE to start your application.
The above forms the list of PG courses offered in ATBU as well as the postgraduate entry requirements and duration of the programmes available either for full time or part time applicants. I will respond to your questions below in the comment section if you have any.