List of Postgraduate Courses Offered In Veritas University Abuja & Admission Requirements

The list of postgraduate programmes offered in Veritas University, Abuja has been released by the management and school authority of the institution. All PG programmes comes with their various admission requirements so it is left to the student to select from the list of Veritas PG courses available outlined below, the course that suits his or her career path.

You can visit Veritas University postgraduate (PG) website to read more about the admission requirements for each course but for the sake of clarity purpose, we will be focusing strictly on the admission requirements and the list of all PG programmes that are available in Veritas university.

List of Approved Postgraduate Courses Offered In Veritas University Abuja Admission Requirements


A) To qualify for admission into Veritas University postgraduate Diploma (PGD) programme,  applicants must be a graduate of Veritas University or any other University recognized by the Senate of the institution, or persons who hold qualifications adjudged by the Senate of Veritas university to be equivalent to first degree or holders of recognized Higher National

B) To qualify for admission into a Master’s degree programme at Veritas University, candidates are required to have obtained a minimum of 3.0 CGPA in either Veritas university or any other recognized higher institution in Nigeria

C) Candidate whose research work is considered to be unsatisfactory by his Department will be asked to withdraw on a resolution of the College Board and Senate respectively.

D) Copies of all Dissertations will reach the Post-graduate College at least two months before the Convocation in which the candidate wants to be presented for the award of the degree

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E) Copies of all Dissertations will reach the Post-graduate College at least two months before the Convocation in which the candidate wants to be presented for the award of the degree.

F) A minimum of six copies of the final work of the temporarily bound Dissertation will be submitted to the department. After the Dissertation defence, the candidate will make all necessary corrections and submit four copies of the properly bound Dissertation with certification by the Board of Examiners to the Post-graduate College.

G) For each Post-graduate student, there will be a Board of Examiners for Dissertation defence comprising at least five members, which must include members of the project Supervisory Committee, the External Examiner, who will be the Chairman and must be someone of at least Senior Lecturer grade, and a representative of the Post-graduate College who must be an academic with relevant background.

H) There will be an oral defence of Dissertation, and each student must satisfy the Examiners in this regard in order to qualify for graduation.

I) For a student to be in good academic standing, he/she must obtain a minimum cumulative grade point average of 3.0 at the end of each Session. This will be so whether it is masters degree or PGD programme.

J) A student who absents him/herself for two consecutive semesters without a valid reason may be asked to withdraw from the University, irrespective of his cumulative grade point average.

K) A student, for good reason and with the approval of Senate and upon recommendation by the Dean, may suspend his programme of study for a maximum of one calendar year.

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L) Currently, Veritas university, Abuja does not run a Ph.D. programme, when they commence, we shall update this post.


A student who transfers from one programme to another or from another University may be credited with those course credit units earned which are relevant to the curriculum of the new programme.


At Veritas University PG school, PGD and M.Sc programmes have different duration for completion of their programmes, here we have listed the duration of the available postgraduate programme for PGD and M.Sc only as this would assist prospective candidates in proper planning, be it full time or part time postgraduate students.


Masters Degree Programme

The duration for masters degree programme will be a minimum of  three (3) semesters and maximum of five (5) semesters for full time and a minimum of  five (5) semesters and maximum of seven (7) for part-time.

PGD Programme

The duration for full-time PGD programmes will be a minimum of two (2) semesters and maximum of four (4) semesters. For part-time, duration will be a minimum of four (4) semesters and maximum of six (6) semesters.

List of Postgraduate Courses Offered In Veritas University Abuja And Their Admission Requirements


Post-graduate Diploma (PGD) in Economics in any of the following

Energy Economics & Management

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Environmental Economics & Management

Health Economics & Management

Strategic Planning and Project Management

Masters Degree (M.Sc.) in Economics


Political Science

Post-graduate Diploma (PGD) in Political Science & Administrative Studies

Masters Degree (M.Sc.) in Political Science & Diplomacy in any of the following:

International Relations/Diplomacy

Political Theory

Public Administration and Public Policy

Political Economy


College of Natural and Applied Sciences

Post-Graduate Diploma (PGD) in Chemistry

Post-Graduate Diploma (PGD) in Applied Physics

Masters Degree (M.Sc.) in Chemistry

Masters Degree (M.Sc.) in Applied Physics

College of Management Sciences

Post-graduate Diploma (PGD) in Accounting

Post-graduate Diploma (PGD) in Marketing

College of Humanities

M.A English and Literary Studies

MA History

The above are the list of PG programmes offered at Veritas University, Abuja which are restricted to PGD (Postgraduate Diploma) and Masters degree programmes for now. From the above list, interested candidates are to make their choice of PG programme, get familiar with the requirements for admission which in-turn gives them higher chances of gaining admission to study their preferred choice of PG course.

Hope the above is properly understood? if you have any question as regards the list of PG courses offered in Veritas University, Abuja, feel free to contact us via the comment section below and we shall respond accordingly.

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