The management and school authority of The Polytechnic Ibadan popularly known as Ibadan Poly or Poly Ibadan has released the list of courses offered in her institution. This gives aspiring candidates with interest in furthering their education the ample opportunity to go through the courses that are offered in Ibadan Poly.
Ibadan Poly is widely regarded as one of the oldest and also ranks among the top 10 best polytechnics in Nigeria, and of course can compete with its state and federal counterparts academically and otherwise.
Upon completion of any of the courses offered Ibadan Poly a certificate in ND or HND in your respective programmes are awarded to successful students as approved by the senate or governing council of the university.
Candidates who wish to apply for any of the courses offered in Poly Ibadan can now confirm if the course chosen is offered in the institution before registering for JAMB, and if you do not know how to go about the registration, see the step by step procedure on how to register for JAMB 2025/2026 academic session.
The courses as seen below are the accredited courses offered in Poly Ibadan for undergraduates only according to NABTEB with the information posted here, candidates are well assured of its authenticity.
Usually, upon choosing a course of study, it is usually advised prospective students or applicants go through some of the requirements required to be eligible to study the course in question, see below basic requirements to study any of the courses offered at Poly Ibadan
- Candidate who wish to study in the Ibadan Poly must be over 16 years of age in the year of admission
- Entry requirements into Poly Ibadan: candidates must possess a minimum of 5 credit passes in relevant subjects which must include English Language and mathematics at GCE O’Level, WASCE, SSCE, NECO or approved equivalents at not more than 2 sittings in order to be qualified to study at the institution.
- Candidate must beat the current Poly Ibadan cut off mark for JAMB
Upon meeting the above requirements, candidates becomes automatically eligible for admission into Ibadan Poly and their internal screening exercise.
List of Accredited Courses Offered In Ibadan Poly
Agricultural Engineering / Technology
Agricultural Technology
Architectural Technology
Art and Design
Banking and Finance
Building Technology
Chemical Engineering Technology
Computer Engineering
Computer Science
Electrical / Electronic Engineering
Estate Management And Valuation
Food Technology
Geological Sciences
Local Government Studies
Mass Communication
Mechanical Engineering Technology
Mechatronics Engineering Technology
Music Technology
Office Technology And Management
Public Administration
Quantity Surveying
Science Laboratory Technology
Surveying and Geo-Informatics
Urban and Regional Planning
Here we have it, the accredited list of courses offered in IBADANPOLY, if you have any input or questions as regards this information, kindly scroll down to the comment section and get prompt feedback.
To get the latest news as regards Ibadan Poly Latest news, admission list and other relevant news from other polytechnics in Nigeria, Kindly subscribe to our blog.
>> Ibadan Poly School Fees For Freshers 2025/2026 Academic Session
>> Poly Ibadan Cut Off Mark For All Courses 2025/2026 Session
Pls let mi know when they reply u
I choose poly Ibadan as my second choice will I b admitted without doing change of institution
Yes but this also depends on the course applied for, your UTME and O’level result
How much is d total fees for a fresher
I have Diploma in public administration, can I gain admission into HND to study public administration at ibadan polytechnic, part time program please?
Of course you can. Did you do the compulsory industrial attachment? Thats also a requirement
Can I study Science Laboratory Technology with Jamb score of 164?
When will the form be out
Pls if I choose poly ibadan as second choice can I be offered admission with 184 public administration and is there screening form for 2025/2026 still on sale?
with 184 you can gain admission into Poly Ibadan but the form is not on.
Please sir is there Agriculture technology course in polytechnic of ibadan
Please when part time form is going to be out
We will post it when it’s out
Can I gain admission to the polytechnic ibadan because the cut off mark for geology is my jamb score and that’s what i choose to study
Pls sir can I gain admin to ibadan poly with D7 in math
For what course exactly because some courses do not require mathematics. So i need to know the course before i can give you a precise answer.
Public admin or business admin
Is Bus. Admin not among accredited course in ibadan poly?
Sir/Ma,I am interested to study purchase and supply in the polytechnic Ibadan but i have ND in Accounting in Yabatech .
Thank you.
I score 171 in and I want to study mechatronic, can they offered me admission into ibadan poly
Please sir I scored 148 can I do mass communication
Good day, please i did my ND program at Port Harcourt Poly, in the department of Transport ation planning and logistics, i want to ask if the course is been offered, or any related course for HND at Ibadan Poly, Thanks.
Go through the courses offered in Polytechnic Ibadan to confirm this. The list of courses are available on this post
Please don’t they offer economics education, and what’s the jamb and post utme cutoff mark
Comment Text*I have lower credit in statistics at federal school of statistics, what other course can i switch to apart from statistics for HND program
please I need answer ASAP
Comment Text*I have lower credit in statistics at federal school of statistics, what other course can i switch to apart from statistics for HND program
I know, will the accept me with such CGPA, what’s your advice please.
I know, but will the take such CGPA, and pls advice me on what to do?
please I did my ND at federal Polytechnic Nekede, under Mechatronics Engineering and my total CGPA is very low 2.46 will poly ibadan accept me for HND?
Your chances of gaining admission into Poly Ibadan HND is very low with such CGPA
I scored 155 in jamb can I study public addministration
pls can i study slt with 160 in jamb at ibadanpoly
i choose Ibadan frist choice 169 otm office technology management can the cut off mark enter
Is there hospitality management in ibadan poly
Why is the cut off mark for slt is not included?
Pls I made mistake in my waec date of birth & I never knew until I hav written my jamb,buh I hav already given waec to correct d error, but they assure me dat until after ten months before dey will send d changed certificate to my school……but my question is dat since I hav different date of birth on my waec certificate & my jamb certificate, will I b able to pass my screening test for Ibadan poly………
pls sir, am an ND aspirant but since I obtain IBpoly form have not been to the sch,I do follow up on the platform instead and I was told that ND aspirants are not writing exam,pls sir I want to know if it true and how to know my departmental cut off.
I choose poly ibadan as my 1st choice and i score 198 in my jamb, i also choose business administration as my course but i didn’t see it in the courses listed above
is there not political science at ibadan poly
Pls wen is the hnd form for ib poly be out
Pls can i study public admin in ibadan poly with d7 in maths
can I study SLT in Ibadan poly with 219 by putting them as my third choice
Good day sir/ma,I have distinction in urban and regional planning at Mapoly ND result,but I do not have geography and economics,in my O’level result,can I be admitted for HND in ibadan poly?
can I be offered admission to poly Ibadan for HND I did my ND in oscotech ESA OKE
I scored 198 in utme will i be given admission to study electrical and electronic engineering.
I HAve 178 in jamb want to study business admin nd i pick ibadan poly as first nd second choice will dey give me admission
I scored 201 in my Utme, I choose lbadan poly as my second choice, will I be offered admission to study Accountancy?
I scored 165 in jamb, I choose Ibadan poly as my first choice ,will I be given admission to study mechatronics engineering
Pls I scored 171 in my jamb nd I want to study public admin pls will ibadan poly offer me admission.nd pls why is marketing nt part of the course for ND students.
I chose ibadan poly as 2nd choice,and i scored 198 in jamb,can i study business admin in ibadan poly?
On the screening Registration Portal, Agricultural Engineering& Technology is Not Include Why?
please is it after the closure of the post utme, the date for the examination will be announce
i chose ibpoly as my 2nd choice i want 2 study slt i score 178 pls wil i be given admission
i scored 150 in jamb and i have 2 sitting in O level result will ibadan accept me
Of course
does ibadanpoly accepts second choice?
Well poly Ibadan should accept 2nd choice candidates though their 2018/19 post UTME form is yet to be released.
Can I study Mechanical Engineering in Ibadan poly? I scored 194 in jamb
Please my jamb score is 154 can i be given admissions to mass communication
I dont think you would be given admission for Mass Comm
pls my jamb score is 154 can I be given admission to study science laboratory tech
I score 161 in jamb can I be offer public admin in poly Ibadan?And I did not offer math and economic in my utme.
is postutme hold this year for 2025/2026, if yes plz when
Pls i scored 195 nd i choose ibadan poly as third choice nd want to study slt am i good to go
I have D7 in accounting and commarce can I study accountancy
had 176 want to study slt but poly ibadan is my 3 choice wat do i do
Can I be given admission to study civil engineering with my jamb score 173
Yes but it is going to be difficult
I score 193 in jamb and i did not choose polyibadan,nd i want to study SLT,how will i do dat
Change yyour institution to Ploy Ibadan, that is the only way out
please what is the cut off mark for science laboratory technology
190 and above would conveniently give you admission into poly Ibadan to study SLT
I score 177 in jamb can I be offer public adminstration in polyibadan
Yes you can
I went to Osopoly for my ND which is DPT, my Question now is that can I come to Ibadan poly for My HND.Mass Communication.
Of course now, you can come
Pls Sir/Ma All School Fees Are They For Par Year Or How ? For The Fresh Student How Much Are We Payin For Par Year
When is Ibadan polytechnic screening begins.
Can I be given admission to study science laboratory technology with my jamb score which is 174
what about physiotherapy in ibadan poly?
I score 170 in jamb please can be offer admission for Agriculture engineering Technology
can ibandan poly can give us admission wit math
Is there not nursing science at ibadan poly