List of Accredited Courses Offered in BOUESTI

We have deemed it necessary to publish the accredited list of courses offered in Bamidele Olumilua University of Education, Science and Technology, Ikere-Ekiti due to the influx of questions from readers on our blog, most of them, after going through the cut off mark of Bamidele Olumilua University of Education, Science and Technology, Ikere-Ekiti, the next thing is to confirm the courses offered in BOUESTI.

Many forget that as courses differ, so are their admission requirements. It is not enough to scan through the available courses because most student in a bid to check if their selected courses are offered in the school miss out other important information.

Bamidele Olumilua University of Education Science and Technology

As said above, courses offered in BOUESTI come with their various admission requirements and subject combinations. Before selection and registering the course, candidates are supposed to first find out the correct JAMB approved subject combination for the course to avoid going through the process of buying a change of course or institution forms. Just incase you might be needing to change your course or institution using any of the JAMB approved CBT centers can follow the step by step approach on how to do so HERE.

The available courses offered in BOUESTI as at today are the NUC accredited therefore candidates or prospective students are sure of the information gathered.

Usually, upon choosing a course of study, it is usually advised prospective students or applicants go through some of the requirements candidates must posses in order to be eligible to study the course in question, see below basic requirements;

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BOUESTI Admission Requirements:

  • Candidates must meet or surpass the BOUESTI cut off mark in order to be eligible for Post UTME examination/internal screening or admission
  • The candidate must be over 16 years of age in the year of admission (Some student swear an affidavit just to increase their ages)
  • Candidates must possess at least 5 credit passes in relevant subjects which must include English Language and mathematics at GCE O’Level, WASCE, SSCE, NECO or approved equivalents at not more than 2 sittings.
  • Candidates with Teachers Grade II (TC II) with passes at credit or merit levels in conjunction with credit passes in relevant subjects at GCE, WASCE, SSCE, NECO or approved equivalents may be considered. No subject may be counted at both TC II and GCE O/L, WASCE, SSCE, NECO or approved equivalents.

Upon meeting these requirements as stated above, candidates becomes automatically eligible for admission into Bamidele Olumilua University of Education, Science and Technology, Ikere-Ekiti and internal screening exercise.


Do you know that the danger of selecting a non NUC accredited course is that until it is accredited, upon graduation, your certificate is deemed non-valid and as for students who are still in either 200 level or 300 level they would be left to continue but if the school fails to meet the requirements as requested by the NUC, the department/course will be permanently canceled and  students will be left with no choice than to change their courses or forced to leave the school in some cases.

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So it is wise to confirm the accreditation status of a course before selecting it to avoid issues later on in the middle of the session.

So with the above information, prospective candidates should be clear as regards the requirements for the list of courses offered in BOUESTI.

The courses offered in BOUESTI as seen below are listed in bullet-points and some courses have embedded links, the links contains the admission requirements for the course, O’level and JAMB approved subject combination for the course too. So to find out about the requirement for the course, click the link attached to the course of your choice to get comprehensive details about what is required by BOUESTI for that course.

Feel free to watch the video i did about courses offered in BOUESTI and their admission requirements in details or you could go ahead and just read through the post below.

List of Accredited Courses Offered In BOUESTI 

As usual, we have arranged the all courses offered in BOUESTI in an alphabetical order for ease of identification for candidates.

B.Sc Accounting

B.Sc Business Administration

B.Sc Entrepreneurship

B.Sc Office and Information Management

B.Sc Economics

B.Sc Political Science

B.Sc Peace and Conflict Studies

B.Sc Computer Science

B.Sc Physics with Electronics

B.Sc Industrial Mathematics

B.Sc Industrial Chemistry

B.Sc Science Laboratory Technology

B.Sc Plant Science and Biotechnology

B.Sc Architecture

B.Sc Environmental Management

B.Sc Building Technology

Tech. Electrical & Electronic Engineering

Tech. Civil Engineering

B.Sc Food Science & Technology

B.A. Theatre Arts

B.A. Music

B.Sc Mass Communication

B.Sc (Ed.) Mathematics Education

B.Sc (Ed.) Physics Education

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B.Sc (Ed.) Biology Education

B.Sc (Ed.) Chemistry Education

B.Ed. Integrated Science

B.Ed. Guidance and Counselling

B.Ed. Social Studies Education

B.Sc (Ed.) Economics Education

B.Sc (Ed.) Geography Education

B.Sc (Ed.) Political Science Education

B.Sc (Ed.) Business Education

B.Ed Home Economics

B.Sc (Ed.) Health Education

B.Sc (Ed.) Human Kinetics and Sports Science

B.Sc (Ed.) Industrial Technology Education

B.A. (Ed.) English Education

B.A. (Ed.) French Education

B.A. (Ed.) Christian Religious Studies

B.Ed. Educational Management.

B.Sc Criminology and Security Studies

B.Sc (Ed.) Environmental Education

B.Sc (Ed.) Agricultural Science Education

The courses listed above do have their approved UTME and O’level subject combination, the table provided below would help candidates or prospective students who have selected the university of Benin or intend making BOUESTI their first choice of institution in their UTME registration know the correct O’Level and UTME subjects to sit for during their WAEC or NECO examination as well as the UTME subjects required to be eligible for their selected course.

Did you find what you visited this page for? if you have any question(s) as regards the list of courses offered in BOUESTI (Bamidele Olumilua University of Education, Science and Technology, Ikere-Ekiti) simply scroll down to the comment section below, post your questions and we will shall respond in no time.

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