Kogi State Poly (KSP) HND Full Time & Part Time Admission Form 2025/2026 Session: Application Guide

Kogi State Polytechnic HND full time and part time admission forms are now available online, and applications are currently being invited applications form suitably qualified persons for admission into its Higher National Diploma (HND) full-time and part-time programmes for the 2025/2026 academic session.

Kogi State Polytechnic KSP HND Full Time Part Time Admission Form

Below is the list of FAQs on KSP‘s HND forms;

Is KSPĀ admission form out?

How much is KSPĀ HND form?

When will KSP’s HND forms be out?

Please when is the entrance exam for KSPĀ starting?

Please I want to know if the registration is in progress.

Please when is KSPĀ HND test date?

When will KSPĀ HND exams commence?

How do I upload my WAEC result to KSPĀ portal for my HND?

Please what is an acknowledgment slip?

When will KSPĀ HND form be out?

What and what are we to bring to the HND test venue

Will there be any make-up HND test for candidates that miss the HND test?

FAQs on KSP HND Application FormAnswers To FAQs on KSP HND Form
Is KSP HND admission form out?KSP HND form for this academic session is out.
When will KSP HND forms be out?The management has announced the sale of HND form.
How much is KSP HND admission formThe cost of the form is ten thousand naira (10,000) only.
Please I want to know if the registration is in progress?The form is on sale and will close 6 weeks from the date of publication.
Please when is KSP HND test date?The date for KSP’s HND test shall be updated as soon as registration is over.
When will KSP HND exams commence?Please refer to your slip.
How do I upload my WAEC result to KSP portal for my HNDThe process of uploading your O’level result on KSP portal has been explained below under the sub-topic: Application Guide for KSP HND application form online.
When is KSP HND form closing date?2nd August, 2025.
Will there be any makeup HND test for candidates that miss the HND screening test?No there shall be NO makeup test for any candidate that misses his or her chances of participating in KSP’s HND test.

The above are the most frequently asked questions on KSPĀ HND application form and the best possible answers. Go through them carefully and you can never be wrong with those answers.

Kogi Poly HND Programmes & Requirements For Full Time


Higher National Diploma in:

a. Accountancy

b. Business Administration

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c. Public Administration

d. Office Technology and Management

e. Library and Information Science

a. Higher National Diploma in Accountancy (Two Years)

Candidates must possess National Diploma in Financial Studies and related programmes and must have a minimum of lower credit (CGPA) of 2.50 and five credits at 0/L (NECO, WASC/SSCE/GCE/NABTEC) at not more than two sittings which must include English Language and Mathematics. In addition candidates must have a minimum of one (1) year compulsory Industrial Training or a pass in ND result with 2 Years compulsory Industrial Training attachment.

Transcript is required for admission into all HND programmes, especially for candidates from other institution.

b. Higher National Diploma in Business Administration (Two Years)

Same as in (1.1a) above, but qualification must be National Diploma in Business Studies and related Programmes.

c. Higher National Diploma in Public Administration ( Two Years)

Same as (1.1a) above but qualification must be National Diploma in Public

Administration and at least a credit pass in Government.

d. Higher National Diploma in Office Technology and Management (Two Years)

Same as in (1.1.a) above but qualification must be National Diploma in Office Technology and Management.

e. Higher National Diploma in Library and Information Science (Two Years)

Same as in (1.1.a) above but qualification must be National Diploma in Library and Information Science and at least a credit pass in one science subject.

Higher National Diploma in

a. Statistics

b. Science Laboratory Technology

c. Computer Science

a. Higher National Diploma in Statistics (Two Years)

Candidates must possess National Diploma in Statistics and must have a minimum of lower credit (CGPA) of 2.50 and five credits at O/L (NECO/WASC/GCE/NABTEC) at not more than two sittings which must include English Language Mathematics, Geography, Physics, Chemistry, Biology, Agric Science. In Addition, candidates must have a minimum of one (1) year compulsory Industrial Training or a pass in ND result with two years Industrial Training attachment. Transcript is required for admission into all HND programmes, especially for candidates from other institution.

b. Higher National Diploma in Science Laboratory Technology (Two Years)

With options in Chemistry, Biochemistry and Environmental Biology. Same as (2,1a) but qualification must be National Diploma in Science Laboratory Technology.

c. Higher National Diploma in Computer Science(Two Years)Candidate must possess National Diploma in Computer Science and must have a minimum of lower credit (CGPA) OF 2.50 and five credit at O/L (NECO/WASC/GCE/NABTEC TECHNICAL TRADE) at not more than two sitting. English Language, Mathematics and Physics is compulsory at credit level. In addition, a credit in any other science subject and Social Science subject is also required in addition, (1) year compulsory Industrial Training or a pass in ND result with two years compulsory industrial training attachment.

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(i) Higher National Diploma programme (HND) in Industrial Design with Options in Graphics, Textiles and Ceramics.

(ii) Higher National Diploma Programme (HND) in Fine Arts with Options in Painting and Sculpture.


Candidates for the Higher National Diploma (HND) programmes in Industrial

Design with Options in Graphics, Textiles and Ceramics must possess the following:

(a) A minimum of Lower Credit (CGPA) of 2.50 and five credits at O/L (NECO, WASC/SSCE/NABTEC) at not more than two sittings which must include English Language, Mathematics, Fine Arts or Visual Arts,. Chemistry, Geography, History, Biology, Literature in English, Clothing and Textiles, Religious Knowledge and any other Sciences. In addition, candidates must have a minimum of one (1) year compulsory Industrial Training or a pass in ND result with two (2) years compulsory Industrial Training attachment.

(b ) Higher National Diploma Programme (HND) in Fine Arts with Options in Painting and Sculpture.

Same as (3a) above.


Higher National Diploma In Mineral Resources Engineering (Two Years)

With options in the following:

a. Mining Engineering Technology

b. Geological Engineering Technology

c. Mineral processing Engineering Technology.


Candidates must possess National Diploma in Mineral Resources Engineering with a minimum of Lower credit and five credits at O/L (NECO /WASC/ SSCE/GCE/ NABTEC not more than two sittings which must include Mathematics Chemistry, and any three subjects from Metal-work Technical-Drawing, Basic Electronics, Geography , Statistics, Additional Mathematics and a credit pass in English Language. In addition with one year compulsory Industrial Training or a pass in ND result with two years Industrial Training attachment

Higher National Diploma in Metallurgical Engineering (Two Years).


Same as (4.1a) but qualification must be National Diploma in Metallurgical Engineering.


Higher National Diploma in :

Urban and Regional Planning


(i) Candidate must possess National Diploma in Urban and Regional Planning and must have a minimum of lower credit pass (CGPA 2.50) and five credits pass in NECO/WASC/NABTEC/ANTC with credit pass in relevant subject to the programme, i.e., Mathematics, English Language, Geography and two subjects from the followings; Economics, Technical Drawing, Statistics and one Science subject from Chemistry, Physics. Biology/Agric Science, Fine Art.

(ii) Five credits pass in relevant subjects obtained at the final examination of an NBTE recognized Preliminary ND programme offered in a Polytechnic or similar post-secondary Technical Institution.

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(iii) A minimum of One year compulsory Industrial Training or a pass in ND result with two years compulsory Industrial Training attachment.

KSP HND Programmes & Requirements ā€“ Part-Time


a. Higher National Diploma in Business Administration (5 semesters)
Candidates must posses National Diploma in Business Studies and related programmes and must have a minimum of Lower credit (CGPA) of 2.50 and five credits at O/Level. (NECO/WASC/SSCE/GCE/NABTEC) which must include English Language and mathematics. In addition, candidates must have minimum of one (1) year compulsory Industrial Training or a pass in ND result with two years Industrial attachment.

b. Higher National Diploma in Accountancy(5 semesters)
Same as in (a) above but qualification must be National Diploma in Financial studies and related Programmes.

c. Higher National Diploma in Public Administration (5 semesters)
Same as in (a) above but qualification must be National Diploma in Public Administration.

d. Higher National Diploma in Office Technology Management (5 semesters)
Same as in (a) above but qualification must be National Diploma in Office Technology Management.

e. Higher National Diploma in Mathematics/Statistics (5 semesters)
Same as in (2.1a) above but qualification must be National Diploma in Mathematics/Statistics.

f. Higher National Diploma in Computer Science (5 semesters)
Same as in (2.1a) above but qualification must be National Diploma in Computer Science.

g. Higher National Diploma in Library and Information Science (5 semesters)
same as in (1.1.a) above but qualification must be National Diploma in Library and Information Science.

In exceptional cases, ND holders with a pass (CGPA of 2.00-2.49) and two or more years of cognate experience in the specific field may be considered for admission into HND programmes.

How to Apply for KSP HND Admission Form

To successfully apply for the form via KSPĀ undergraduate portal, you must follow the steps outlined below. You are expected to read through thoroughly to avoid mistakes that could disqualify your form

Step 1 ā€“ You are to visitĀ

Step 2 ā€“ Select your programme type

Step 3 ā€“ Fill in your details correctly.

KSP Application Closing Date

The management has directed that the online applications submission closing date is 2nd August, 2025.

Good luck in your applications.

Is this well understood? If you have questions as regards FPO HND admission form for 2025/2026 academic session, kindly reach out to us via the comment section below and we shall respond accordingly.

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