Kogi Poly JAMB Cut Off Mark For All Courses 2025/2026 Session

Kogi state Polytechnic JAMB cut off mark for all courses 2025/2026 academic session is out! Therefore all candidates who put Kogi state Poly as their preferred choice of higher institution during the UTME registration can confirm if they meet the current cut-off mark of Kogi state Polytechnic the current academic session.

Candidates who meet the cut off mark are automatically eligible to sit for 2025/2026 post UTME test and if successful, would be granted admission into Kogi state Polytechnic

See the approved JAMB cut off mark for Kogipoly towards the end of this post.

Candidates should note that the benefits of meeting the cut off mark for JAMB is that candidates are given the opportunity to sit for the post UTME and upon beating the departmental cut off mark, are given the opportunity to study into any of the courses offered in Kogi state polytechnic upon successfully completing his or her physical internal screening of documents by the relevant faculties and offices in the school.

Some documents are required by the school authority for their internal screening exercise

Documents required for Internal screening in  Kogi state polytechnic are;

  • Printed Post-UTME Screening Form
  • Internet copy of O’level results (WAEC/NECO/NABTEB/NBAIS)
  • Printed copy JAMB Result Slip
  • Primary School Leaving Certificate
  • Birth Certificate/Declaration of age
  • Local Government Indigene/Citizen/Residence Certificate
  • Recent colored passport photographs (Not less than 16 copies)

Like we would always inform candidates, beating Kogi state polytechnic – departmental Cut Off Mark for JAMB does not in any way guarantee you an automatic admission into the University, until a successful internal screening exercise (physical verification of original documents) is carried out on candidates

UTME and DE candidates that selected Kogi state polytechnic have in recent times experienced challenges in determining the actual cut off mark for their course. Many questions have been left unanswered so I thought it helpful to answer these questions as it may also fall in line with the question you reading this post may have been wanting to ask in the table below;

What is KOGI STATE POLY current cut off mark?Kogi state poly cut off mark is 100. Any UTME candidate that scores 100 and above is eligible for Kogi state poly post UTME screening exercise.
Does Kogi state poly accept second choice candidates?Kogi state poly accepts only first choice candidates.
Can Kogi state poly accept me if I score 150?As mentioned above, only candidates that score 100 and above are eligible to apply for Kogi state poly post UTME therefore you are qualified.
What is Kogi state poly cut off mark for Building technology?Candidates with 220 and above and score at least 55 in their post UTME have higher chances of studying building technology in Kogi state poly. However, if you score 200 and above, you are eligible for post UTME screening test at the institution but you will be required to change your course.
If I score 200 in jamb and still use Kogi state poly as second choice can I gain admission?Kogi state poly will admits both first and second choice candidates irrespective of your JAMB score.
How can I change my polytechnic to Kogi state poly because I passed their cut off mark?Simply purchase a change of course form from JAMB, it costs about two-thousand five hundred naira (N2,500). Fill the necessary details and submit. You will be informed when your application is successful via the registered email or you can verify via JAMB CAPS.
I have my complete O’level result and 200 JAMB score, I am applying for Microbiology. What are my chances of gaining admission in Kogi state poly?With 200 JAMB score and complete O’level you still stand a chance of gaining admission into Kogi state poly but definitely not Microbiology. It is advisable you change your course to a less competitive one.
I am an indigene of kogi state, can I be considered for admission if I score below the cut off mark?The JAMB cut off mark for Kogi state poly is the same for all candidates irrespective of the state of origin of the candidate.
What is the cut off mark for Business Administration in Kogi state poly?We advise that you score at least 220 and above in your JAMB and at least 65 in your post UTME so when your aggregate score is calculated, you will stand a better chance of gaining admission into Kogi poly.
What is the cut off mark for computer science in Kogi state poly, I scored 200, and can I gain admission?Kogi state poly’s cut off mark for computer science is 230 and above though the higher your UTME score, the better your chances. Also, your post UTME score would be the determining factor. Notwithstanding, you are eligible to participate in the post UTME or change your course to a less competitive one.
I am an indigene and I scored 225 in JAMB, can I secure admission in Kogi state poly?The answer is YES you can because you scored higher than the minimum cut off mark for Kogi state poly. However, gaining admission would also depend on the course you selected.
What is Kogi state poly JAMB cut off mark and aggregate score for Hospitality ManagementYou need at least 230 and above to study Hospitality Management at Kogi state poly.
Can someone with 210 in my JAMB, can i gain admission into Kogi state poly to study accounting?You can gain admission into Kogi state poly but you cannot to study Accounting with 210 UTME score. Accounting is a professional course hence high JAMB cut off mark. You need at least 230 and above to study Accounting at Kogi state poly.
Does Kogi state poly accept transfer students from other polytechnics?Yes Kogi state poly accept transfer students so long as you meet their requirements.
What is the JAMB cut off mark for Engineering in Kogi state poly?With a JAMB score of 180 you are eligible to participate in Kogi state poly post UTME However, you require at least 245 and above you can study Engineering in Kogi state poly. Engineering courses require high JAMB score due to the strong competition for admission slot.
What is the required JAMB cut off mark for Faculty of Social Sciences and Management sciencesThe cut off mark varies. As for faculty of social sciences, the minimum cut off mark is 100 while management science is 100 respectively.
Recommended:  EKSU JUPEB JAMB Cut Off Mark For 2025/2026 Academic Session

These are the most frequently asked questions and best possible answers for Kogi state polytechnic JAMB score. Please go through them thoroughly as they would be very useful in helping you know your course and required cut off mark.

If candidate(s) is/are successful in the internal screening exercise then they are automatically granted admission to study the course of their choice upon payment of the acceptance fee for provisional admission from JAMB.

Recommended:  O’Level And UTME Subjects Combination for Studying Criminology in Nigeria

 Kogi Poly Cut off Mark For All Courses 2025/2026 Academic Session

Kogi state Poly JAMB cut off mark for 2025/2026 academic session is 100, therefore, candidates who score up to 100 are automatically eligible for to sit for the institution’s post UTME examination, may we bring to your notice that, the higher your JAMB and post utme score, the higher your chances of gaining admission to study the course registered in your UTME.

Recommended:  OSCOHTECH Cut Off Mark for All Courses 2025/2026 Academic Session
Accounting100 and above
Architectural Technology100 and above
Art and Design100 and above
Building Technology100 and above
Business Administration and Management100 and above
Chemical Engineering Technology100 and above
Computer Science100 and above
Electrical / Electronic Engineering100 and above
Foundry Engineering Technology100 and above
Metallurgical Engineering Technology100 and above
Office Technology And Management100 and above
Public Administration100 and above
Science Laboratory Technology100 and above
Statistics100 and above
Surveying and Geo-Informatics100 and above
Urban and Regional Planning100 and above

KSP Departmental Cut Off Mark 2025/2026 Session

Aerospace Engineering Technology15
Agricultural & Bio-Environmental Engineering Technology15
Agricultural Technology15
Animal Health & Production15
Architectural Technology15
Building Technology15
Business Administration:3135
Civil Engineering15
Computer Engineering15
Computer Science3539
Electrical Engineering1515
Fine Art15
– Fine Art Painting15
– Fine Art Sculpture15
– Industrial Design – Ceramics15
– Industrial Design – Graphics15
– Industrial Design – Textiles15
Horticultural Technology15
Library & Information Science2315
Mass Communication15
Mechanical Engineering15
Mechatronic Engineering15
Metallurgical/Materials Engineering1515
Mineral Resources Engineering1515
Office Technology & Management1515
Public Administration3539
Science Laboratory Technology39
– SLT-Biochemistry31
– SLT-Chemistry15
– SLT-Environmental Biology15
– SLT-Microbiology15
Surveying & Geo-Informatics15
Urban & Regional Planning1515

Are you satisfied with the information gathered? if you have any question as regards Kogi state poly JAMB cut off mark, simply scroll down to the comment section as seen below and we shall respond in no time.


>> List of Courses Offered In Kogi State Polytechnic


  1. Sani ajifa
  3. Jesse
  4. Emmanuel Friday
  5. Agbo Miracle Nneka
  6. Idoga Solomon
  7. Joshua
  8. Wisdom
  9. Victor Samuel
  10. Moh'ed
  11. solomon
  12. Samuel Solomon Enebi
  13. Olatunji Elizabeth
  14. Evans
  15. Emmanuel
  16. Nuhu jamiu
  17. Grace odekina
  18. Williams
  20. Yunusa
  21. joseph
  22. Oluwaseun
    • Amarachi
  23. christ
  24. jemilu mikailu
  25. Abuh
  27. wisdom
  28. Abednego noah
  29. Ahmed
  30. Olamide
  31. lionel
  32. bassey ovat
  33. bassey ovat
  34. Adzor Elizabeth
  35. Adogu
  36. Ado Muftaodeen
  37. sunday
  38. ade
  39. godwin isaac
  40. wisdom
  41. Olawale
  42. Ayuba oluwaseun
  44. Adabara John Ige
  45. Saba Danjuma
      • Ayuba oluwaseun
    • john
  47. zakariyawu zuleihat
      • Joseph Samuel Odunayo
  49. Okolo Ojochekpa Nelson
    • Don mic
    • Biliya
  50. Okeseyin
  51. Ibrahim Muhammed
  52. godwin

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