Federal Polytechnic Ilaro School Fees For Fresh Students 2025/2026 Academic Session

There have been a massive search for the accurate school fees for fresh students of Federal polytechnic Ilaro for 2025/2026 academic session. Data collated from various vital sources helped us in getting the estimated fees, this amount stated here can be regarded as the near perfect amount to be paid by freshly admitted students of Federal poly ilaro.

Fed Poly Ilaro School Fees

LOCATION: Federal polytechnic Ilaro is located at Ilaro, Ogun state.

The federal polytechnic till date stands as one of the best Federal polytechnics in Nigeria without doubt, gaining admission in Ilaro Poly is strictly by merit, the tuition fee is very affordable being a federal polytechnic, fees are actually being subsidized by the Federal government so of course, the fees are relatively cheap. You can check out the list of polytechnics in Nigeria and their school fees for 2025to have an idea about what other states and federal polytechnic fees are like.

Please note that Federal poly Ilaro school fees is to be paid in one installment, breaking down the tuition fee into parts is unacceptable by the management of the polytechnic

This information is for fresh and returning ND students who have chosen Federal poly Ilaro, as their preferred choice of Institution during the UTME registration.

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The table below is a detailed schedule school fees of Federal polytechnic Ilaro fees for all courses offered at the institution, and please note that this fee is strictly undergraduate (ND students only)

Ilaro polytechnic tuition fee as seen in the table below includes both acceptance and school fees for ND fresh students for the 2025/2026 session, its is strictly tuition fee payable by new students as mandated by the management of the polytechnic

All newly admitted students are to take note:

A) Kindly note that Ilaro poly acceptance fee of 33,700 Naira is to be paid first upon admission into the polytechnic, this is a process applicable in all polytechnics in Nigeria, be it private, Federal or states. It serves as a proof of acceptance of the provisional admission from JAMB.

B) Kindly be informed that late payment of Fed poly Ilaro school fees or acceptance fee by both fresh and returning students would attract extra charges and failure to pay the fees on time could lead to the student’s inability to seat for their semester examination or forfeiture of admission as approved by the management of the institution.

See breakdown of Federal polytechnic Ilaro school fees for ND fresh students 2018/19 academic session below.

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There is no special fee for Indigenes everyone is to pay equal amount for fees.

Upon completion of this post, readers ought to be clear about the following;

  •  Federal polytechnic Ilaro School fees for fresh ND 1 new students 2025/2026 academic session
  •  Federal polytechnic Ilaro school fees for all courses offered for the 2025/2026 admission year.
  • Other fees and charges payable at Federal polytechnic Ilaro as seen in the table below.

 Federal Polytechnic Ilaro School Fees Schedule for ND Freshers 2025/2026 Academic Session

All newly admitted students of Ilaro poly are advised to pay their tuition fees for 2025/2026 academic session early to the designated banks as approved by the school management.

 Federal Poly Ilaro ND School Fees For Fresh Students 2025/2026 Academic Session

  • ND Full-time Acceptance Fee = 33,700
  • ND Part-time Acceptance Fee = 23,700
Library and Information Science33,70040,000
Mass Communication33,70040,000
Office Technology and Management (Secretarial Studies)33,70040,000
Computer Science33,70040,000
Food Technology33,70040,000
Hospitality Management (HCM)33,70040,000
Science Laboratory Technology33,70040,000
Mathematics & Statistics33,70040,000
Nutrition and Dietetics33,70040,000
Agric. and Bio-Environmental Engineering33,70040,000
Computer Engineering33,70040,000
Civil Engineering33,70040,000
Electrical and Electronics Engineering33,70040,000
Mechanical Engineering33,70040,000
Architectural Technology33,70040,000
Art and Design33,70040,000
Building Technology33,70040,000
Estate Management33,70040,000
Quantity Surveying33,70040,000
Surveying & Geoinformatics33,70040,000
Transport Management33,70040,000
Urban & Regional Planning33,70040,000
Banking & Finance33,70040,000
Business Administration and Management33,70040,000
Public Administration33,70040,000
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Based on the acceptance fee and tuition fee payable by new students of Ilaro Polytechnic for 2025/2026 academic session, all freshers are expected to hold with them about 80,000 Naira for all expenses which includes school fees and acceptance.

With the above information, candidates are well guided as regards Federal Poly Ilaro school fees for newly admitted JAMBITES (ND students) 2025/2026 academic session.

If you have any question as regards the above post, kindly get back to us via the comment section below and we shall as usual respond accordingly.

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