BENPOLY School Fees For All Courses 2025/2026 Academic Session

BENPOLY school fees for fresh students into ND and HND students 2025/2026 academic session has been released by the management and school authority. The school fees schedule as seen in the table below has been broken down into various compulsory charges that must be paid by both ND and HND freshers only.

BENPOLY School Fees

This information is for newly admitted students or prospective students who have chosen Benue State polytechnic as their preferred choice of Institution during the UTME registration or candidates who  want to make inquiries about BENPOLY tuition fee and other compulsory levy and charges payable for 2025/2026 academic session.

The table below is a detailed schedule of BENPOLY School fees for all courses offered in Benue State Polytechnic and please note that this fee is strictly undergraduate students.

The fees payable at Benue State polytechnic as seen in the table below includes acceptance fee, workshop fee, municipal charges, ICT charges and other compulsory fees for new and returning students and other fees payable by new students as mandated by the management of the polytechnic.

All newly admitted students of Benue State polytechnic are to take note:

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a) Benue state poly acceptance fee is to be paid first upon admission into either a polytechnic or university, this is a process applicable in all Polytechnics in Nigeria, be it Federal or state poly. It serves as a proof of acceptance of the provisional admission from JAMB.

b) Late payment of Benue State polytechnic tuition fees would attract extra charges and failure to pay the fees on time could lead to the student’s inability to seat for their semester examination or forfeiture of admission as approved by the management of the institution. This is applicable to both full-time and part-time ND and HND students.

Benue State polytechnic like most Federal and states polytechnics in Nigeria, do not offer the option of paying school fees in installments due to the affordability, parents and guidance are advised on early payment of their wards school fees.

See breakdown of the BENPOLY school fees for new students 2025/2026 academic session below.

Upon completion of this post, readers ought to be clear about the following;

i) BENPOLY school fees for new students 2025/2026 for full-time only, we will work on part-times fees soonest.

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ii) Benue state polytechnic tuition fee for all courses 2025/2026 session

iii) Benpoly school fees for ND and HND (1st and 2nd semester)

Benue State Polytechnic School Fees Schedule for Freshers 2025/2026 Academic Session

All newly admitted students of BENPOLY are advised to pay their tuition fees for 2025/2026 academic session early to the designated banks as approved by the school management.

BENPOLY School Fees For ND & HND Students 2025/2026 Academic Session

S/NItemSub-headStatusAmount (₦)
1Application for AdmissionAdmission Form – Code 015000
2Admission LetterAcceptance Fee – Code 023000
3DIP 1 Accounting, Business, Marketing, P/SupplySchool Fee – Code 1AIndigene53000
School Fee – Code 1BNon-Indigene68500
4ND 1 Accounting, Business, MarketingSchool Fee – Code 2AIndigene53000
School Fee – Code 2BNon-Indigene68500
5HND 1 Accounting, Business, Marketing, StatisticsSchool Fee – Code 3AIndigene54500
School Fee – Code 3BNon-Indigene71500
6Pre-ND, Rem ScSchool Fee – Code 4AIndigene56000
School Fee – Code 4BNon-Indigene74000
7ADPA, ASOC, CBF, CCD, CLS, CPM, CPAA, CPASchool Fee – Code 5AIndigene61300
School Fee – Code 5BNon-Indigene84250
8DIP 1 B/F, Comm Dev, Law, Lib Sc, LGS, Mass Com, DPM, DPAA, DPA, HDLGSSchool Fee – Code 6AIndigene61300
School Fee – Code 6BNon-Indigene84250
9DIP 1 Architecture, Engineering, Building, Ceramics, EHT, Estate, URP, Food Sc, Geology, Graphics, HM, OTM, Painting, Sculpture, Survey, TextileSchool Fee – Code 7AIndigene62000
School Fee – Code 7BNon-Indigene86500
10ND 1 Art, Building, Engineering, Estate, URP, HM, OTM, SLT, Statistics, SurveySchool Fee – Code 8AIndigene62000
School Fee – Code 8BNon-Indigene86500
11ACLS, BTC, CAD, CFD, CHM, HCHM, ICLS, TC 1School Fee – Code 9AIndigene61300
School Fee – Code 9BNon-Indigene84250
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Hope this was informative enough? if you have any question as regards BENPOLY tuition fee for fresh students ND and HND for 2025/2026 academic session, kindly scroll down to the comment section below, post your questions and we shall respond in no time.

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  1. Samu msendoo gladdys
  2. Austine John
  3. sule solomon
  4. Justina Akpah
  5. Angela
  6. Oche Ladi
  7. Ifunanya Deborah okorom
  8. Isama enenche
  9. Ejembi Samuel
  10. Samson adekoya julius
  11. Ogah Peter
  12. Johnaldo
  13. Iorlumun solomon
  14. Gabriel Thompson perembowie
  15. Ujor Blessing
  16. Tyonongo msughter.
  17. Ejembi Gideon
  18. Angela Aloysius Zebedee
  19. Justice idoko
  20. James
  21. Idoko Ngbede justice
  22. Comfort okpe
      • Comfort okpe
  23. Unongor Jacob
    • Avatar of OG Ojay
  24. Jay
  25. john joseph
  26. Mercy
  28. jacintha
    • 09030495389
  29. Julius

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