Basic Tech Lesson Note for JSS2 (First Term) 2025

Basic Tech lesson note for JSS2 First Term is now available for free. The State and Federal Ministry of Education has recommended unified lesson notes for all secondary schools in Nigeria, in other words, all private secondary schools in Nigeria must operate with the same lesson notes based on the scheme of work for Basic Tech.

Basic Tech lesson note for JSS2  First Term has been provided in detail here on

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For prospective school owners, teachers, and assistant teachers, Basic Tech lesson note is defined as a guideline that defines the contents and structure of Basic Tech as a subject offered at SS level. The lesson note for Basic Tech for SS stage maps out in clear terms, how the topics and subtopics for a particular subject, group works and practical, discussions and assessment strategies, tests, and homework ought to be structured in order to fit in perfectly, the approved academic activities for the session.

To further emphasize the importance of this document, the curriculum for Basic Tech spells out the complete guide on all academic subjects in theory and practical. It is used to ensure that the learning purposes, aims, and objectives of the subject meant for that class are successfully achieved.

Basic Tech Lesson note for JSS2 carries the same aims and objectives but might be portrayed differently based on how it is written or based on how you structure your lesson note. Check how to write lesson notes as this would help make yours unique.

The JSS2 Basic Tech lesson note provided here is in line with the current scheme of work hence, would go a long way in not just helping the teachers in carefully breaking down the subject, topics, and subtopics but also, devising more practical ways of achieving the aim and objective of the subject.

The sudden increase in the search for JSS2 Basic Tech lesson note for First Term is expected because every term, tutors are in need of a robust lesson note that carries all topics in the curriculum as this would go a long way in preparing students for the West African Secondary Examination.

This post is quite a lengthy one as it provides in full detail, the Basic Tech-approved lesson note for all topics and sub-topics in Basic Tech as a subject offered in JSS2.

Please note that Basic Tech lesson note for JSS2 provided here for First Term is approved by the Ministry of Education based on the scheme of work.

I made it free for tutors, parents, guardians, and students who want to read ahead of what is being taught in class.

JSS2 Basic Tech Lesson Note (First Term) 2025





  1. First Aids
  2. First aid II
  3. Rescue operation
  4. Rescue operation II
  5. Materials and their common use
  6. Materials and their common use II
  7. Geometric construction
  8. Geometric construction II
  9. Geometric construction III
  10. Geometric construction IV




First aid

Performance objectives

Students should be able to:

  1. Define first aid
  2. Identify contents on a first aid box
  3. Apply first aid measures


First aid

First aid treatment can be defined as the immediate and temporary care given to an accident victim or sick person before the arrival of the doctor or before taking the victim to the hospital.
First Aid Box: This is a simple box made of wood or plastic. The box usually contains the necessary materials needed to carry out first aid. The size is usually 30 x 25 x40cm.

First Aid Box

Reasons for First Aid

  1. First aid is administered so as to reduce pain.
  2. It arrests bleeding.
  3. First aid prevents injuries from getting worse.
  4. First aid can be a source of information to the doctor.

First Aid box Materials

The materials used in administering first aid are as follows:
Bandages: This material is used to wrap wound and protect wound from infection.



Forceps: This material is used for holding cotton wool when dressing wounds.



Cotton Wool: Cotton wool is used in dressing wounds and cuts.


                                       Cotton Wool

Plasters: The plaster is used to cover wounds and cuts directly, while holding the cotton wool in place.



Safety PinsThese are pins used to fasten the bandage in place on wounds.

                                      Safety Pins

Razor Blade: In first aid administration, the razor blade is used for cutting plaster and bandages where there is no scissors.


Razor blade

Sterile Gauze: It is used for sterilizing wounds so as to avoid germs and infections.


                                            Sterile Gauze

Record Book and Pen: With this, the name, sex, age, class of the student, the nature of injury and the type of treatment given can be recorded.

Disposable Hand Gloves: This material can protect against direct contact with blood and dirt.


Disposal hand gloves

Application of simple first aid treatment

On snake or scorpion bite

  1. Tie a cloth round the leg
  2. Use razor blade to make one or two-incision on the bite point so that the poison can flow out
  3. Take the person and the snake (if killed to the hospital) for proper treatments.

Cuts (minor cuts)

  1. Press the thumb against the affected part to stop further bleeding.
  2. Sprinkle some water to wash the part.
  3. Put a little disinfectant on a piece of cotton wool and clean the infected area.
  4. Place a clean pad over the cut.
  5. Use a bandage to hold the pad in position.

Deep cuts

  1. Remove and loosen all tight clothing on the patient
  2. Place a pad directly over the cut
  3. While holding the pad in position, make the patient lie down and rise the infected part above the rest of the body.
  4. Then use a bandage to hold the pad in position



Sub-Theme: Safety


First aid II

Performance objectives

Students should be able to:

  1. Discuss the ABC of first aid and its application


ABC of first aid

The priorities of first aid are

A      AIRWAY 
C      CIRCULATION (and bleeding) 

Only then look at burns and broken bones.

A- Airway

The airway of an unconscious person may be narrowed or blocked, making breathing difficult and noisy or impossible. This happens when the tongue drops back and blocks the throat. Lifting the chin and tilting the head back lifts the tongue away from the entrance to the air passage. Place two fingers under the point of the person’s chin and lift the jaw, while placing your other hand on the forehead and tilting the head well back. If you think the neck may be injured, tilt the head very carefully, just enough to open the airway.


B Breathing

Check for breathing by placing your head near the person’s nose and mouth. Feel for breath on your cheek or moisture on the back of your hand.


In an emergency any number of things may need your attention at the same time. If you try to do everything at once you may easily get distracted from the essential matters. On arriving at the scene…

  1. Assess the situation
  • Take in quickly what has happened.
  • Look for dangers to yourself and to the casualty
  • Make the area safe
  1. Assess casualties 
  • An unconscious person always takes priority and needs immediate help to make sure he or she can breathe
    Only then should you begin to assess any injuries

If a person has just stopped breathing use mouth to mouth ventilation. Make sure the airway is open and head tilted back. Pinch the nostrils together, take a deep breath and blow into the mouth, firmly sealing your lips around the mouth so air is not lost. You should see the chest rise.

Remove your lips and let the chest fall. Continue this, giving about ten breaths every minute until help arrives or breathing begins.

C Circulation

Check for circulation (to see if the heart is still beating) by feeling for the Adam’s apple (lump on the windpipe) with two fingers. Slide the fingers to the side of the windpipe and feel for the pulse. If the heart has stopped beating, use chest compression to try to restart the heart. Place your hand flat just above the point where the ribs meet the breastbone. Bring the other hand on top of it and lock your fingers together. With your arms straight, press down firmly on the breastbone, pushing it down by 4–5 cm. Release the pressure and repeat the compressions at a rate of about 80 per minute. If the person is also not breathing, alternate 15 compressions with two breaths until help arrives.

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Stop bleeding by applying firm pressure to the wound for about 15 minutes. Never use a tourniquet.

The Recovery Position

This is the best position for an unconscious person or someone having a fit. It allows them to breathe easily and prevents them from choking. After checking the ABC, bend the nearest arm to you, putting the hand by the head. Then bring the far arm across the chest and hold both hands in one of yours. With your other hand pull the furthest leg up at the knee and roll the person towards you to lie in this position.


Rescue operation

Performance objectives

Students should be able to:

  1. Explain the meaning of rescue operation.
  2. Identify the different aspects of rescue operation


Rescue operation

Rescue operation comprises of responsive operations that usually involve the saving of life or prevention of injury during an incident or dangerous situation.

Tools used might include search and rescue dogs, mounted search and rescue horses, helicopters, the “jaws of life”, and other hydraulic cutting and spreading tools used to extricate individuals from wrecked vehicles. Rescue operations are sometimes supported by special vehicles such as fire department’s or EMS heavy rescue vehicle.

Rescue operations require a high degree of training and are performed by rescue squads, either independent or part of larger organizations such as fire, police, military, first aid, or ambulance service.

Aspects of rescue operation

They include

Preparation and selection of rescue equipments

Establishment and management of safe rescue teams

Rescuing the environments

Rescuing the vehicles

Rescuing the victims

Management and transfer of casualties


Rescue operation II

Performance objectives

Students should be able to:

  1. Describe the steps involved in each aspect of rescue operation.


Different aspects of rescue operation

They include

  1. Securing the environment
  2. Vehicles
  3. Victims

Steps involved in environmental rescue operation

The following are steps involved in environmental operation

  1. Working area must be established to be safe in order to prevent injury to self and others.
  2. Organized standards and procedures should be put in place to prevent movement of vehicle during access of people and people are also restricted to move or cross the road.
  3. Hazards should be minimized during the rescue operation to prevent injury to self and others
  4. Scene management and procedure should be followed in accordance with organizational procedure and legal equipment.

Steps involved in vehicle rescue operation

  1. There must be a procedure that must be implemented to protect the causalities from the injury or pain during access and removal.
  2. Access plan are determined in with team leader and medical staff.
  3. Access the rear door latch. Gain access to the rear door latch by spreading the rear door window.
  4. Pop the rear door latch. Place your spreaders into the gap that you have created near the latch.
  5. Make a relief cut.
  6. Begin to spread.
  7. Cut the B post.


Steps involved in victims rescue operation

  1. Organized standards and procedures should be put in place to prevent movement of vehicles during access of people and people are restricted to move or cross the express road.
  2. Scene management procedures should be followed in accordance with organizational procedures and legal requirements.
  3. The violent scene is prepared to facilitate the prompt and safe rescue of casualties





Materials and their common use

Performance objectives

Students should be able to:

  1. State the common uses of wood
  2. Explain the specific uses of ferrous and non-ferrous metals and their alloy.


Materials and their common use

Common uses of wood

  1. Wood is used in making windows, doors and roof construction
  2. Some furniture such as chairs are used as chairs, tables, shelves, ward rope and cupboard are made of wood.
  3. Pulp and paper are products of wood from which exercise book, text book and news-paper are made from.
  4. Some electric poles, railway sleepers, wagons, lorry bodies, boats and canoes are made of wood.
  5. Used as packaging cases for some heavy equipment
  6. Wood is used in making medicine e.g. for making artificial limbs
  7. Matches sticks are made from wood.
  8. Charcoal, sawdust, tar, dyestuff are all products made from wood.

Uses of metals

Ferrous metals are those metals consisting mainly of iron

  1. Mild steel or low carbon steel is used in the production of bolt, nut, tubes, tin plates etc.
  2. Wrought iron is used in making chairs, crane book haulage gear
  3. Cast iron is used for making piston rings, marking out tables, cylinder blocks.
  4. High carbon steel is used for making pliers, hammer head, punches, screw driver, hacksaw, blade, cutting tools, springs, and chisel tools.

Non ferrous metals

These are non-iron based metal they include:

Aluminum: this is used in making aircraft parts, electrical cables, aluminum foils, boxes and cooking utensils.

Zinc: this is used as roofing sheets, for galvanizing, and for protective coating on steel sheet.

Lead: used in battery element, roofing sheet and soft solder etc.

Copper: used in making copper wires, rivets, soldering and water-pipes.

Tin: for making wire and tin plates. Generally metals are good conductor of electricity and heat.



Test : Basic technology JSS2 First term mid term test

Top of Form

  1. One of the major reasons for first aid is


First aid is administered so as to reduce pain.

It arrests bleeding.

First aid prevents injuries from getting worse

All of the above

  1. Which of the following is used for sterilizing wounds so as to avoid germs and infections?


Sterile gauze


Razor blade

Cotton wool

  1. ______ is used for holding cotton wool when dressing wounds.






  1. The following are found in first aid box except



Razor blade

Cotton wool


  1. Which of the following is used to protect against direct contact with blood and dirt?


Disposable hand gloves


Razor blade

Cotton wool

  1. The priorities of first aid are




All of the above


  1. Which of the following drugs can be found in a first aid box?




Methylated spirit

All of the above

  1. First aid can be applied to all the following except?


Cut and burns


Snake bites

None of the above

  1. ______ is used to soak blood oozing from the wound?




Cotton wool


  1. _______ is the simple medical treatment given to somebody before a doctor come or before taking the person to the hospital





First aid

  1. In the ABC of first aid B stands for






  1. The box that contains the material used to give simple medical treatment before the arrival of a doctor is called


Drug box

Equipment box

Tool box

First aid box

  1. Which of the following can be classified as a rescue operation?


Operation that involves saving of life

Prevention of injury during an accident or injury

Rescuing victims from flood, earthquakes, fire utbreak

All of the above

  1. First aid box is usually painted white or _____ with a symbol of cross on its side






  1. The activity that involves saving of lives during an accident is called


First aid


Rescue operation


  1. All the following are needed during rescue operation except


Rescue ropes


Fire extinguisher


  1. ______ is worn during first aid treatment to protect skin against contamination


Hand glove

Work shop shoe



  1. Which of the following iss used by search and rescue operation




Rescue dogs


  1. To rescue victims of a collapsed building which of the following will be needed?





None of the above

  1. To rescue victims of a flood which of the following will not be needed?


Fire jacket

Life jacket



  1. All of the following will be needed to rescue a victim of fire outbreak except?



Fire extinguisher


All of the above

  1. Which of the following items is made from wood?


Electric pole

Match stick


All of the above

  1. ______ are metals consisting mainly of iron


Ferrous metal

Non-ferrous metals



  1. An example of a ferrous metal is


Cast iron




  1. Bolts, nuts, tube and tin plates are made from


Wrought iron

Cast iron


Mild steel

  1. Which of the following metals is used to produce aircraft parts?
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  1. The type of plastic that can be remoulded when exposed to heat





Thermo cool

  1. If a triangle as all its sides equal it is called ___


Right angle



Bottom of Form


Materials and their common use II

Performance objectives

Students should be able to:

  1. State the common uses of ceramics and glass.
  2. State the uses of plastics.


Uses of ceramics

Due to the fact that ceramics can withstand very high temperature, they are used in making furnace. A furnace is a structure or apparatus in which a lot of heat is generated. While the water in kettle boils at 1000c, iron melts at 15360c. Ceramics can withstand even higher temperature.

Ceramics can carry heavy loads and as a result of this property, we use brick and cement block to build houses. The wall of any building carries the roof of the building, the top floor, people and decoration.

Most electric poles are made from concrete which is a type of ceramic. The insulator between the lines is also ceramic. Other ceramic are the wind screen of vehicles, ordinary looking glass, television screens and ashtrays.

A modern toilet is built entirely with ceramics. The walls are made from concrete blocks which are ceramics. The walls are made from concrete blocks, which are ceramics, while the tiles, sinks, bath and toilet bowls are all made of ceramics.


Uses of glass

It is clear that modern life would not be possible without glass!

Glass is used in the making of the following products:

  1. Packaging (jars for food, bottles for drinks, flacon for cosmetics and pharmaceuticals)
  2. Tableware (drinking glasses, plate, cups, bowls)
  3. Housing and buildings (windows, facades, conservatory, insulation, reinforcement structures)
  4. Interior design and furniture (mirrors, partitions, balustrades, tables, shelves, lighting)
  5. Appliances and Electronics (oven doors, cook top, TV, computer screens, smart-phones)
  6. Automotive and transport (windscreens, backlights, light weight but reinforced structural components of cars, aircrafts, ships, etc.)
  7. Medical technology, biotechnology, life science engineering, optical glass
  8. Radiation protection from X-Rays (radiology) and gamma-rays (nuclear)
  9. Fiber optic cables (phones, TV, computer: to carry information


Rubber is an elastic material that can be stretched but can return to its original state.

Types of Rubber

Natural Rubber: Natural rubber is obtained from the sap of rubber tree (Hevea brasiliensis). When the rubber tree is tapped, the milky-white liquid obtained is called the rubber latex. Natural rubber can be improved upon by adding other chemical at high temperature. This process is called vulcanization.


Synthetic Rubber: This class of rubber is known as elastomers. They are produced from petroleum products. Synthetic rubber cannot be vulcanized.

Uses of Rubber

  1. Rubber can be used as shock dampers (absorbers) and as engine mounting.
  2. Rubber is used for making tubes and tyres.
  3. It is used for producing bathroom slippers.
  4. Rubber is used for water proofing.
  5. Rubber is used as electrical insulator.
  6. Products such as vee-belts, hoses, shoe heels and soles, tyres, footballs are all made from rubber.


Plastics are produced from petroleum products known as monomers. When a great number of monomers are combined through chemical reactions, polymers are formed. It is this polymers that are referred to as plastics. The process of combining monomers is known as polymerization. The major component of plastic is resin. Resin is a material which softens and flows and can be moulded.

Types of Plastics

Thermosetting: This is the type of plastic produced from thermosetting resin. This type of plastic cannot be remoulded when exposed to heat. Examples are polyester, amino formaldehyde and Bakelite used for producing the handle of enamel pots and dishes.

Thermoplastic: These are plastics made from resin that does not set rigidly heating. They soften on heating and can be remoulded into other shapes e.g. plastic buckets

Uses of Plastics

  1. Plastics are used for dinnerware (dishes).
  2. Used for electric switchboxes and switches.
  3. Used for trays, cutlery, handles, brushes and baby dishes.
  4. Plastic is used for funnels, radio and television cabinets.
  5. Mobile phone casing, automobile accessories and spectacle (eye- glass frame
  6. Used for roofing sheets, refrigerator doors and air-conditioning housing.
  7. Plastic is used for electric iron and cooking pot handles.
  8. Used for containers for liquids, computer housing cases, ball-point      pen casing.


Geometric construction

Performance objectives

Students should be able to:

  1. Define a circle
  2. List the parts of a circle



A circle is the set of all points in the plane that are the same distance away from a specific point, called the center. The center of the circle below is point A. We call this circle “circle A,” and it is labeled ⨀A.

Important Circle Parts

Radius: The distance from the center of the circle to its outer rim.

Chord: A line segment whose endpoints are on a circle.

Diameter: A chord that passes through the center of the circle. The length of a diameter is two times the length of a radius.

Secant: A line that intersects a circle in two points.

Tangent: A line that intersects a circle in exactly one point.

Point of Tangency: The point where a tangent line touches the circle.

Tangent Circles: Two or more circles that intersect at one point.

Concentric Circles: Two or more circles that have the same center, but different radii.

Congruent Circles: Two or more circles with the same radius, but different centers.


Geometric construction II

Performance objectives

Students should be able to:

  1. Use appropriate instrument to divide a circle into equal parts.
  2. Use appropriate instrument to draw a tangent and normal to a given circle and two equal circles


Geometric Construction

What is geometric construction? It is the drawing of lines, angles, and shapes using only a pen or pencil, compass, and a straight edge. There are no numbers you have to deal with.

Why is this useful? It is useful when you have to draw lines and angles without measuring anything. And if you are an artist, this is a handy skill to have to ensure that any lines or angles that you copy are exactly the same.

Tools Needed

The only tools you will need to copy and construct any line segment or angle, along with your pen or pencil, are a compass and a straight edge. In today’s world, the most common straight edge is the ruler. But you can use anything that will give you a nice clean straight line when you take your pencil and run it along an edge. The compass is the mathematical tool that lets you draw nice clean circles and arcs; it’s not the compass that people use to navigate directions.

Construction of circles

To find the center of a given circle

  1. Mark 3 points A,B,C well spaced out on the circumference
  2. Bisect the chord between one pair of point (AB)
  3. Bisect the chord between the second pair of point BC the intersection at O is the centre of the circle.

To divide the circumference of a circle into a number of equal parts

  1. Using constant radius method ( to divide the circumference into equal parts)
  2. Draw the given circle with centre O
  3. Draw horizontal line AB across the circle (Diameter)
  4. With the radius of the circle and center A, describe an arc at C and D.
  5. With the same radius describe an arc E and F to cut the circumference of the circle. Thus divding the circumference into 6 parts

To divide the circumference into 8 parts, use 450 set squares as described above 60or follow the following procedures.

  1. Draw the circle and draw the horizontal diameter AB
  2. Draw a vertical diameter CD to pass through the centre of the circle and across diameter AB at O.
  3. Bisect angle COB and COA, project the bisection line from G to H and from E to F. thus dividing the circle into 8 parts.


Construction of the tangent of a circle


  • Draw a line connecting the point to the center of the circle
  • Construct the perpendicular bisector of that line
  • Place the compass on the midpoint, adjust its length to reach the end point, and draw an arc across the circle
  • Where the arc crosses the circle will be the tangent points.


Geometric construction III

Performance objectives

Students should be able to:

  1. Identify define and construct various triangles
  2. Inscribe and circumcise circles to triangles



A triangle has three sides and three angles. It is a closed figure with three line segments as its boundary. These line segments are called sides. It has three corners called vertices. The symbol for a triangle is Δ

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The three vertices are generally named by three consecutive alphabets such as A, B and C or X, Y and Z. A triangle with vertices A, B, and C is denoted by ΔABC.


Tri means three and so a Triangle has three angles. These angles are formed by two sides at each of the corners. The angle formed at the vertex A by the two sides AB and AC is called

The three sides and three angles of a triangle together are called the six parts or elements of the triangle.

Now look at the diagram below


The side BC is opposite to vertex A and is also denoted in short by “a”. The sides opposite to B and C are written as b and c. Thus sides BC= a, AC= b and AB= c

Properties of a triangle

  1. The sum of the three angles of any triangle is always 180 degree.
  2. Any angle of a triangle is always greater than zero and less than 180°
  3. Not more than one angle can be 90° or more.
  4. The sum of length of any two sides will always be greater than the length of the third side.
  5. It is a closed plain figure.

Types of Triangles

A triangle can be classified by either its sides: or its angle.

(A) A triangle is classified in three types as scalene, isosceles, or equilateral triangle based on its sides.

  1. Equilateral triangle

A triangle having all sides equal is called an equilateral triangle. It’s all angles are also equal. As sum of three angles of a triangle is 180°, so each angle of an equilateral triangle is 60°.


  1. Isosceles triangle

A triangle having two sides equal is called an isosceles triangle. The angles opposite to equal sides are also equal.


  1. Scalene triangle

A triangle having all sides of different length is called scalene triangle.


In the figure above, the sides a≠ b≠ c . Hence this is a scalene triangle.

(B) A triangle is classified in three types as acute, right, or obtuse triangle based on its angles:

  1. Acute triangle

A triangle having all angles less than 90° is called acute triangle.


In the above triangle, the three angles are 50°, 60° and 70°. All three are less than 90°. Hence it is an acute triangle.

  1. Obtuse triangle

A triangle having one angle more than 90° is called an obtuse triangle.


In the triangle above, the three angles are 25°, 35° and 120°.  One of angle is more than 90°. Hence it is an obtuse triangle.

  1. Right triangle

If anyone angle of a triangle is 90° , the triangle is called right triangle. The triangle below is a right angle triangle as


The side opposite to the right angle is called the hypotenuse.  The hypotenuse is larger than the other two sides. In diagram above, the AB is the hypotenuse and is opposite to the right angle

Inscribed and Circumscribed Circles of Triangles

Given a triangle, an inscribed circle is the largest circle contained within the triangle. The inscribed circle will touch each of the three sides of the triangle in exactly one point. The center of the circle inscribed in a triangle is the incenter of the triangle, the point where the angle bisectors of the triangle meet.

To construct the inscribed circle

  1. Construct the incenter.
  2. Construct a line perpendicular to one side of the triangle that passes through the incenter. The segment connecting the incenter with the point of intersection of the triangle and the perpendicular line is the radius of the circle.
  3. Construct a circle centered at the incenter with the radius found in step 2.

The steps for constructing the inscribed circle for a given triangle will be explored in the problems below.

Given a triangle, the circumscribed circle is the circle that passes through all three vertices of the triangle. The center of the circumscribed circle is the circumcenter of the triangle, the point where the perpendicular bisectors of the sides meet.

To construct the circumscribed circle

  1. Construct the circumcenter.
  2. Construct a circle centered at the circumcenter that passes through one of the vertices. This same circle should pass through all three vertices.


Geometric construction IV

Performance objectives

Students should be able to:

  1. Define identify and construct regular and irregular polygon



A closed plane figure made up of several line segments that are joined together. The sides do not cross each other. Exactly two sides meet at every vertex.

There are two main types of polygon – regular and irregular.

A regular polygon has equal length sides with equal angles between each side. Any other polygon is an irregular polygon, which by definition has unequal length sides and unequal angles between sides.

PentagonThe closed figure which is formed by five straight lines is known as a pentagon.

HexagonThe six-sided polygon is known as a hexagon.

HeptagonThe polygon with seven sides is termed as a heptagon.

OctagonAs the name says, the Eight-sided polygon is known as Octagon.

NonagonThe polygon which possesses nine straight lines is known as nonagon.

DecagonThe closed figure made with ten straight lines is termed as decagon polygon.

Test: Basic technology JSS2 First term Final test

Top of Form

1. The following are uses of plastics except?


They are used for making electric iron

Refrigerator doors

Mobile phone casing

None of the above

2. The type of plastic that cannot be remoulded when exposed to heat





Thermo cool

3. The class of rubber is known as elastomers are


Natural rubber

Synthetic rubber

Neutral rubber

Lethargic rubber

4. The following are uses of glass except


Oven doors



None of the above

5. The type of plastic that can be remoulded when exposed to heat





Thermo cool

6. A line that intersects a circle in exactly one point is known as






7. A line that intersects a circle in two points is known as






8. The distance from the center of the circle to its outer rim is known as






9. A line segment whose endpoints are on a circle is known as






10. When two or more circles that have the same center, but different radii they are referred to as


Congruent circle

Concentric circle

Tangent circle

Point of tangent

11. The unit of measurement of angle is _____






12. The point where two lines meet to form an angle is called






13. When two straight lines meet at a point a ______ is formed






14. The shortest distance between two points is called a _____


Parallel line


Straight line


15. Two lines that are always at the same distance apart and cannot meet are called


Perpendicular lines

Parallel lines

Straight lines

Convergent lines

16. If two sides of a triangle are equal, it is a _____ triangle



Right angle



17. If a triangle as all its sides equal it is called ___



Right angle



18. The sum of three angles in a triangle is


90 degrees

180 degrees

360 degrees

270 degrees

19. A triangle with no sides equal to one another is ____



Right angle



20. The sum of three angles in a triangle is


90 degrees

180 degrees

270 degrees

360 degrees

21. A quadrilateral with its opposite sides equal and parallel is called






22. Which of the following is not a parallelogram?






23. A closed plane figure with five sides is known as






24. A closed plane figure with eight sides is known as





25. Unequal length sides and unequal angles between sides is known as

Regular polygon

Irregular polygon



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Hope you got what you visited this page for? The above is the lesson note for Basic Tech for JSS2 class. However, you can download the free PDF file for record purposes.

If you have any questions as regards Basic Tech lesson note For JSS2 class, kindly send them to us via the comment section below and we shall respond accordingly as usual.