300 Love Quotes that Will Melt the Heart a Woman

True love is a beautiful feeling we all deserve to experience. Love is passed from one another, it is the only remedy for peace, happiness and fulfilments. Love is not selfish, it is meant to be shared and expressed towards who you have connections with. Love is love no matter the circumstance but there are stages is is expressed especially when it has to do with intimacy. In this post, I will be sharing with you, 100 beautiful love that will melt the heart of the woman you love when sent to her. There are also beautiful love quotes ladies can send to their men, don’t forget love is best felt when shared.

Use these love quotes modestly, don’t send indiscriminately, you need to ensure you get a response from her before sending another. If she ignores the first love quote sent to her, go through the others listed below that suits the moment, she would definitely respond because these beautiful love messages are too powerful to ignore.

100 Love Quotes For Your Woman

  1. Your smile brightens my day. Your presence adds significance. Everything is created by your love. Thank you very much.

  2. The best medicine I’ve discovered is to love a woman, and that woman is you.

  3. I have a million topics to discuss with you. In this world, all I desire is you. I would like to meet with you and speak with you. I would like for the two of us to start from scratch.

  4. I think of you when the day turns to night and you are out of sight.

  5. I promise I don’t think I could love you any more than I do at this moment, but I’m sure I will tomorrow.

  6. You are everything I have  wished for and asked for, everything I have  imagined.

  7. Every day, I want all of you, forever, you and me.

  8. You are unique. You are unique to me. In this wonderful world, there is only one.

  9. Please come over here and fall in love with me.

  10. In a nutshell, you are  the first appropriate thing of beauty I had seen that struck me as a completely legitimate being.

  11. I adore you, and that is both the beginning and the end of everything..

  12. I long to be free of my ego’s prison and lose myself in you..

  13. I just wanted to tell you that I can’t imagine my life without you.

  14. Please take my hand. We will walk. We are only going to walk. We will take our time walking and not worry about where we’re going.

  15. But you, you are unique to me. Something feels right when I am with you. I have faith in you. I enjoy your company. I don’t want to abandon you.

  16. I don’t want to run away from you; I want to be with you, with no expectations or attachments, just love, trust, transparency, understanding, communication, heart to heart and soul to soul.

  17. You are the finest, sweetest, most tender, and most beautiful person I have ever met.

  18. You came into my life not as a visitor… But as one who arrives in a kingdom where all the rivers have been waiting for your reflection, all the roads have been waiting for your steps.

  19. I can confidently say that, “You posses all the features of the kind of woman I want to spend the rest of my life with.

  20. I adore you, my sun, my life, I adore your closed eyes, all the little tails of your thoughts, your stretchy vowels, your entire soul from head to heels.

  21. There is no one on the planet like you, and I like you just the way you are.

  22. When I saw you today, my heart leapt in my chest, just as it did the first time our eyes met, and as it will at every sight of you until it takes its last beat.

  23. I can sense that even when we’re at our most intimate, I’ll never be able to get close enough to you all.

  24. I wish to  take you in my arms and kiss you until the world around us faded away into the nothingness that existed before I met you.

  25. If I can’t share anything with you, it’s all a little less than it should be.

  26. I don’t mind if everyone else forgets about me if you remember me.

  27. I could walk in my garden forever if I had a flower for every time I thought of you.

  28. I would rather spend one lifetime with you than all of the world’s ages alone.

  29. Is it true that I feel something for you? My love would be a whole universe of beaches if yours was a grain of sand.

  30. I have never had a doubt in my mind that I am in love with you. I have complete faith in you. You are my most beloved. My life’s purpose

  31. You have  enchanted me, body and soul, and I adore you. From now on, I’ll never wish to be separated from you again.

  32. I love you more than I’ve ever been able to express.

  33. I adore you in the same way that a drowning man adores air. And even a little bit of you would destroy me.

  34. I will love you until the end of time, even if storm clouds gather and stars collide.

  35. I am happy now…because I love you, regardless of what happens tomorrow or for the rest of my life.

  36. I am in love with you. It was obvious to me, from the moment I saw you .

  37. I knew right away when I met you. I apologies for the delay in responding. I am sprung on you.You are, without a doubt, the best thing I have ever held in my hands.

  38. You should be aware of how wonderful things were prior to your arrival. Despite this, they’re still better today. I can’t remember who I was before you ruined everything in the most pleasant way possible.

  39. You may believe you are one of a million, but to me, you are one in a million.

  40. The you I loved yesterday and will love tomorrow is the same you I loved tonight.

  41. It’s a miracle, just like how the sun causes a flower to bloom; that’s how you change my entire life, through the sunshine of your tender love.

  42. You’re the captain and crew of my love boat, and you will always be my necessity. I would be lost without you.

  43. You are the most important thing I didn’t realize I needed. It’s evident that I need your presence at all times in my life.

  44. If I had to imagine the ideal woman, she would not be as amazing as  you are.

  45. Your proximity can take my breath away at times, and all the things I want to say can’t find a voice. Then all I can hope for is that, my eyes will silently express the feelings of my heart.

  46. You are the one girl who inspired me to put everything on the line for a future worth having.

  47. It’s as if you and I were taught to kiss in heaven and then sent down to earth together to see if we remembered what we were taught.

  48. Because of you,, I’m slowly but steadily becoming the person I have always wanted to be.

  49. You make me happier than I ever imagined possible, and if you let me, I’ll spend the rest of my life attempting to make you feel the same way.

  50. Your words are like food to me, and your breath is like wine to me. To me, you are everything.

  51. It’s as if my life isn’t real to me unless you’re present, participating in it, and sharing it with me.

  52. I come here with no expectations, only to declare, now that I am free to do so, that my heart is and will always be…yours.

  53. With my last breath, I want to tell you that I have always loved you. I would rather be a ghost, a condemned soul drifting by your side, than enter heaven without you.

  54. I couldn’t tell you whether I fell in love with you the first time I saw you or the second, third, or fourth time. But I vividly recall the first time I saw you walking towards me, every other thing seemed to pause and time stood still, as all I could see was you.

  55. I will tell the world it was you when the world ask me what I liked best.

  56. I have never considered abandoning you, even in my weakest moments.

  57. I would ask God to stop the moon if I could only ask for one thing. Make this night and your beauty last forever by stopping the moon.

  58. I would give my love to thee if I only had an hour of love and if that is all that is given to me on this earth.

  59. I know that every step I’ve taken since I was able to walk has been a step toward finding you.

  60. There will never be enough time with you, so let’s start with forever.

  61. I would still love you even if the sun refused to shine. You and I would still exist even if mountains crumble directly into the sea.

  62. I prefer looking at you to looking at all the portraits in the world.

  63. A grandeur that radiates from your eyes, your voice, the way you stand, and the way you walk. You’re a lighthouse from the inside out and you brighten my heart.

  64. Until you made the lock on my heart explode, dear, I couldn’t crack the love code.

  65. You are a lovely lady who deserves a lovely life. Nothing less is acceptable.

  66. And when you smile, the entire world comes to a halt and stares at you for a moment, because you’re incredible just the way you are.

  67. I am overjoyed because I see the light of love in your eyes.

  68. And, in the end, what do all the great words amount to? I adore you; I am at ease with you; I have returned home.

  69. If you ever forget, please know that I am always thinking of you.

  70. I appear to have loved you in innumerable ways, at innumerable times, in life after life, in age after age, for all eternity.

  71. I always found my way back to you, no matter where I went. “You are the north star of my compass.

  72. You are flawed in the sense that you are always and inevitably flawed. You’re also stunning.

  73. If you and I could collaborate on a sky painting. We’ll keep going as long as the world goes on.

  74. You are my sun, moon, and all my stars. Yours is the illumination that gives birth to my spirit; yours is the gloom that heralds the return of my soul..

  75. Every atom of your flesh is as precious to me as my own, even in pain and sickness.

  76. One day, you’ll ask me which is more important; my life or yours.. I will say mine, and you will walk away with no idea that you’re my life.

  77. And I would choose you in a hundred lifetimes, a hundred worlds, any version of reality; I’d find you and choose you in a hundred lifetimes, a hundred worlds, any version of reality.

  78. Yes, I am inebriated. You’re also stunning. I will be sober tomorrow morning, but you will still be stunning.

  79. When I am around you, I get the feeling that I am high. Not that I am a drug user. Unless you are into drugs, in which case I’m always doing them.

  80. I can’t exist without you. I forget every thing, but when I see you again, my life seems to come to a halt and I can’t see any further. You have taken me in completely.

  81. My blind eyes are staring at you, hoping to catch a glimpse of you.

  82. You give the impression that anything is possible. You enable me to exist.

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83.  I went to bed last night wanting to kiss you, and when I awoke this morning, the feeling was still there.

84.  Perhaps it’s too late for me to be your first. But, for the time being, I am preparing to be your last.

85.  I love you in the mornings and afternoons, in the evenings and under the moonlight.

86.  You are the words that fill my pages, and I write you into everything I do, everything I see, everything I touch, and everything I dream.

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87.  Regardless of what has occurred. Regardless of what you’ve done. Whatever you decide to do. I will always be in love with you. It’s a guarantee.

88.  I see something more beautiful than the stars in your smile.

89.  When I’m with you, I can’t always see myself. I always see you from afar.

90.  My feelings for you extend beyond my mind, heart, and soul.

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91.  Nothing is worse than being apart, no matter how difficult it is to be together.

92.  And I’ve realized that the Beatles got it wrong. We don’t only need love; love is all we have.

93.  I have never loved you more than I do right now. And you have my word that I will never love you less than I do now.

94.  My love is as deep as the ocean; the more I give to thee, the more I have; both are limitless.

95.  You’ve created a space in my heart where I didn’t think there was any more room. Where I cultivated dust and stones, you have made flowers grow.

96.  I love you and will continue to love you until I die, and if there is life after death, I will continue to love you.

97.  I am not going anywhere. Do you hear what I’m saying? You’re worth the risk. You’re always going to be worth taking a chance on.

98.  If you live to be a hundred years old, I want to live to be a hundred years old minus one day so I never have to live without you.

99.  Because I saw how perfect you were, I fell in love with you. Then I realized you weren’t perfect, and I grew to appreciate you even more.

  1. I have died every day waiting for you, darling; don’t worry, I’ve loved you for a thousand years and will continue to love you for another thousand.

Love quotes for her is made to soften the hardest of hearts no matter the wrong doing from the opposite gender especially from the intimate point of view. There are more than 300 love quotes which can be listed here however, the list above would do more than just melt your woman’s heart.